It is difficult to ignore the fact that our world is currently on the verge of an environmental disaster. As much as we do not want to deny, our world needs a qualitative change through the fact that the amount of air emissions and waste from human activities will be reduced. But so far, many countries are slowly but surely thinking about it. Some areas of business and development do not have viable alternatives to continue their activities in the context of a more environmental direction.
Iiris Hydrogen Arc Ecosystem is the first mining project in the world that protects the environment with a unique energy concept that makes mining bitcoins not only very profitable, but also environmentally friendly through the use of innovative technologies using the forces of nature.
Arc Iris is committed to implementing the next-generation integrated project for complex cryptocurrency mining, which is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This will ensure safe long-term investments with reverse cryptocurrency, but at the same time protect against cryptocurrency volatility, ensuring minimum operating costs. This project involves the use of hydrogen technology to power cryptocurrency miners. We create economical and efficient cryptocurrency mining tools with a powerful infrastructure base. Cryptocurrency and bitcoin mining will be provided with hydrogen energy using the best and most sustainable methods.
The cryptocurrency mining industry has been revolutionary and remarkable over the years since its launch in 2009. Mining can be carried out using various technological equipment, depending on the type of currency and the mining algorithm and the protocol that they follow. Bitcoin requires very powerful equipment, such as an ASIC device, that can produce enough computing power to mine profitably. However, each type of cryptocurrency mining requires a lot of computing power and the simultaneous use of a large amount of energy.
Industry Overview and Industrial Markets
Cryptocurrency mining has been revolutionary and noteworthy during its formation since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. As the mining industry moves into a phase of maturity, its future looks bright and full of unusual developments. However, operating costs, especially energy consumption, are a key factor for the entire cryptocurrency mining industry.
On our planet there are always the most diverse cycles and events that are partially initiated by nature itself, as well as by its inhabitants and people who themselves are undergoing development. In the history of the last two centuries, people provoked an industrial revolution, which put the planet’s resources in a critical situation.
Many of these resources have already reached their natural goals, they are exhausted. The extinction of species has never been so great. In the field of plants, this applies to ancient forests, marine marine animals, terrestrial insects and amphibians. The trigger and important factor for potential damage is the availability of energy used, which is mainly directly related to destruction. In this context, the carbon footprint is the most important cryptocurrency issue.
Around the world, about 1% of all energy in the world is consumed for cryptocurrency mining. The biggest problem for the mining industry may not even be its large energy consumption, but the fact that most cryptocurrency mining centers are located in regions, especially in China, which are heavily dependent on coal-based energy.
Our Iris Arc model has an innovative and destructive model for successfully overcoming environmental issues and other issues related to cryptocurrency mining. Some of our researchers now protect against environmental degradation and offer solutions in all areas. In energy, this is the discovery of water as an energy source. It uses elements in the water itself, which provides a clean and environmentally friendly energy supply.
Here, the restrictions of the raw material itself are especially removed. Now we have the opportunity to access this energy almost unlimited technologically and methodically! In recent years, the availability of currencies has also changed as a result of limited availability and a focus on the stock market caused by banks. The vision of new forms of money and currencies in a new context brought cryptocurrency to the forefront as a solution, creating new ways.
However, it turns out that a system that itself produces currency is limited by high energy costs. Here we have developed a solution that invalidates this limit. This is a by-product of structured water (hexagonal water), which is separated into hydrogen (currently a medical device, popularly known as molecularly dissolved hydrogen in water) and oxygen (in combination with Brown gas, which is used by hydrogen for detoxification and welding, an emergency measure in medicine respiratory distress).
Using the fuel cell technology developed by us, we can now significantly reduce the share of external electricity demand and, consequently, the cost of external electricity. This leads to the fact that our concept complements the maintenance of a cryptocurrency server on fuel cells and offers it to our customers in kind. To make this possible, we created our own cryptocurrency - Iris Arc - ACI Coin - The Rainbow Currency.
About the project and its features
The project I want to tell you about today is called ARC IRIS. And the most important goal is to replace existing hazardous energy sources with cheaper and environmentally friendly ones. Both sun and water will help all these businesses. Yes, you don’t think so. To start a qualitative revolution in the electric power industry, a synergy of these two resources will be required with the help of specially developed hydrogen extraction tools that need to be activated. Coal by its nature is not only an excellent source of energy, but also 85% cheaper than competing coal and other non-renewable energy sources that can be used to generate electricity in the modern world.
Thus, the founders of the IRC ARC project intend to become leaders not only in the mining industry, but also as excellent partners, where many mining companies will be able to significantly reduce their costs so as not to lose production capacities for mining the same bitcoins and cryptographic tokens. other.

Prospects and Benefits
In addition to all of the above functions, ARC IRIS is ready to show us the cloud computing configured for the cryptocurrency mining process. What is very important to note here is that this equipment is not only a tool for the accumulation of electricity, but also equipment for mining with all the services listed below. That is, a multi-installation developed by the ARC IRC founding team can qualitatively replace all participants in the mining industry, the most expensive installations that require special places and expensive equipment.
In addition to the fact that ARC IRIS offers its user equipment, therefore, ACI tokens will also be available for the project, with which users can not only buy project equipment. But he also pays for the service and has a number of other advantages compared to those who do not have such coins in their wallets. If we touch on the topic of benefits, the founder of ARC IRIS guarantees significant discounts to all users for servicing their installations, most of which store several internal ACI coins in their wallets.
, In total, the developer plans to issue 1 billion coins, of which only 60% are available for public sale. The remaining coins with an initial value of 0.1 dollar will be distributed as follows (see Figure):
- TOTAL DELIVERY: 10,000,000,000
- ICO-SUPPLY: 1 000 000 000
COIN ON SALE: 01 Desember 2019 to 31 Desember 2019-1 ACI = $ 0.025 THROUGH-SALES / ICO:
- January 1, 2020 - January 31, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.05
- February 1, 2020 - February 29, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.06
- March 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.07
- April 01, 2020 - April 30, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.08

EARLY COIN SALES DISTRIBUTION CONTINUING OUR ROAD MAP DISTRIBUTION With the help of our team, these depositors and investors are an important milestone that we hope to achieve.

Q2 2019
Project Concept and Market Analysis
Q3 2019
ICO planning and team building
Q4 2019
Pre-ICO and Start ICO
Q1 2020
Start of business development
2Q 2020
Development and launch of the beta phase
3Q 2020
Start of mining
Q4 2020
Marketing and advertising campaign
The Iris Iris Hydrogen team combines a passion for mining experience with proven expertise in finance, development, marketing and licensing.


For more information, please follow the link below:
BITCOINTALK : /index.php?topic=5208874
BITCOINTALK : /index.php?topic=5208874
MEDIUM : ArcIris% C2% A0
MEDIUM : ArcIris% C2% A0
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=2573696
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