Thursday, December 3, 2020


हाय सब, इस नई पोस्ट मैं बहुत दिलचस्प और अच्छे YFLTD.FINANCE परियोजना के बारे में और अधिक जानकारी के लिए परिचय करना चाहते हैं, तो निम्नलिखित चर्चा पर जाएं:

DEFI क्या है? एक छोटी अवधि जिसका उपयोग सार्वजनिक ब्लॉकचेन पर वित्तीय उत्पादों और सेवाओं की आवाजाही का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है। यह एक वित्तीय मंच है जो एक डी-केंद्रीकृत प्रणाली की अनुमति देता है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को मध्यवर्ती के रूप में काम करने के लिए किसी भी प्रमुख बैंक या वित्तीय संस्थान के बिना स्वचालित प्रवर्तनीय समझौते करने की अनुमति देता है। इसलिए, इसे आम जनता के लिए सरल बनाना।

वित्तीय सेवाओं की दुनिया में आम जनता के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बाधाएं हैं। सेवाओं में से कई अभिजात वर्ग, उच्च मूल्य वाले संस्थानों, जैसे कि निवेश बैंक और बाज़ार निर्माता के लिए आरक्षित हैं।

Yearn Finance Ltd के बारे में
DeFi ने हाल ही में Cryptocurrency सेक्टर में एक क्रांति ला दी है। YFLTD एक DeFi है और यह DeFi सेक्टर में नया उभरता हुआ सूर्य है, जिसमें भविष्य में वित्तीय क्षेत्रों में विशेष रूप से क्रिप्टोकरेंसी में बहुत सारे बदलाव लाने की बहुत अधिक संभावना है। YFLTD मूल रूप से एक खुला स्रोत प्रोटोकॉल है जो विकेंद्रीकृत है। जैसा कि यह डिक्लेरलाइज़्ड ओपन सोर्स प्रोटोकॉल है, इसमें कई विशेषताएं हैं जैसे- स्टेकिंग, वोटिंग, फ़ार्मिंग, लेंडिंग या उधार की सुविधाएं अपने प्लेटफ़ॉर्म से। आपको उनके डैशबोर्ड से निवेश निर्णयों की कई विशेषताएं मिलेंगी। खुले स्रोत के रूप में, यह सार्वजनिक और पारदर्शी है जो वित्तीय रिकॉर्ड रखता है। यह ऑपरेटरों और संशोधनों के सभी प्रकार की छेड़छाड़ को समाप्त करेगा। यह परियोजना अद्वितीय विशेषता है जो अन्य परियोजनाओं से अलग है। इसमें पारदर्शी, मेहनती और एक अनुभवी टीम है जो अपनी परियोजना की सफलता में मेहनती है। वे उन निवेशकों के सामुदायिक समर्थन के लिए टेलीग्राम और सोशल मीडिया में बहुत सक्रिय हैं, जो इस परियोजना के बारे में बहुत उत्सुक और बाहरी हैं। निवेशक अपने ओपन सोर्स पोर्टोकोल और बहुत सारी सुविधाओं के लिए इस प्रोजेक्ट को लेकर बहुत उत्सुक हैं। डेवलपर्स बहुत अनुभवी हैं और पेशेवर जो गुणवत्ता के परिणामों के लिए अपने सर्वोत्तम प्रयासों को लगातार दे रहे हैं। इससे उनके लक्षित दर्शकों तक पहुंचने में मदद मिली है जो निवेश के लिए इस तरह के मंच की मांग कर रहे हैं।

टोकन बिक्री की जानकारी
YFLTD ERC20 समर्थित है जो एथेरम नेटवर्क पर बनाया गया है। चूंकि टोकन की आपूर्ति केवल 4500 YFLTD तक सीमित है, इसलिए हार्ड कैप तक पहुंचने के लिए बहुत कम समय है। समझदार निवेशक बिक्री शुरू होते ही अपने टोकन प्राप्त कर लेंगे, वे देर से आने की कोशिश नहीं करेंगे। वे निवेशकों से टोकन खरीद में पहले आओ, पहले पाओ के आधार पर पालन करेंगे।

नाम: यार्न फाइनेंस लिमिटेड एडिशन
प्रतीक: YFLTD
ब्लॉकचैन टोकन: ERC20
कुल आपूर्ति: 4500 YFLTD
अधिकतम आपूर्ति: 4500 YFLTD
प्री-सेल की तारीख: 19-30 नवंबर
टोकन मूल्य: YFLTD प्रति 0.20 ईटीएच
न्यूनतम खरीद: 0.10 ईटीएच
अधिकतम खरीद: 20 ईटीएच
सॉफ्ट कैप: 100 ईटीएच
हार्ड कैप: 200 ईटीएच
40% टोकन Uniswap, Hotbit, Cointiger को आवंटित किए जाएंगे
विपणन और विज्ञापन के लिए 10%
स्टैकिंग पुरस्कार के लिए 30%
20% 12 महीनों के लिए बंद कर दिया जाएगा।
कोई टीम टोकन नहीं।

रोड मैप

अदला बदली
और अधिक जानें:

उछाल से ounceBuy:
Funds अधिवृक्क लॉक: प्रेजेल फंड का 50% तुरंत तरलता में जोड़ा जाएगा


बीटीटी बाउंटी:

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Hello my friends! On this occasion I will provide interesting information about the interesting YFLTD.FINANCE project. Let's take a look at the reviews below:

There is huge Hype about DEFI in crypto community nowadays and everybody wants to ide the bus but What is DEFI? A short term which is used to describe movement of financial products and services onto public blockchains. It is a financial platform that allows a de-centralised system that allows users to have automated enforceable agreements without any major bank or financial institute to work as an intermediate. Therefore, making it simple for the general public.

The world of financial services has some significant barrier for the general public to enter it. Many of the services are reserved for elite, high worth institutions, such as Investment Banks and Market Makers.

DEFI has brought a revolution in this field by allowing general public access to these services. The main objective of DEFI is to provide a barrier free access to financial services, using the immutability of Block chains and their censorship resistant nature. Theoretically ledgers can be spread to over millions of nodes worldwide and cant not be controlled or tampered with or shut down by Central Banks.

You might have heard a lot about Block chain since Bitcoin emerged as leading Digital currency in crypto space. Generally people think it is a database , it is but different type of database where information is stored in Blocks and all blocks are linked with each other. The most use of Blockchain is as Ledger for transactions.

In Bitcoin case , Blockchain is used in decentralized way so that data can be stored on multiple computers and no single person can have control over it. The beauty of Blockchain is that, the transactions are permanently recorded and can be viewed from any where.

Yearn Finance Limited Edition (YFLTD) is a new rising SUN in in DEFI industry. Recently launched , Team is very professional and visionary that is why it has got good popularity in crypto space. Very interesting project and everybody should join to earn good gains in coming months.

The Team is providing great opportunity to the investor to create passive income for long term benefits.
The project is highly rated which makes it very attractive for investment. The project has got every criteria that breeds success, visionary team good product and good timing to launch it as crypto market is already in Bull Run.

Yearn Finance Limited is an open-source Decentralized protocol which is very user friendly enables you to access staking, farming, governance vote, lending / borrowing Defi services from a simple dashboard. In this project on a simple Dashboard ,you will get all kinds of features to make your best investment decision. IT Team is very professional that is evident from the quality of their interface.

The working team of YFLTD is very active on all sites of Social Media and they get huge attention of their targeted audience.

The following Roadmap shows the Schedule of Events planned for the coming month:

Road map of YFLTD:

YFLTD Presale:

This info is available on their website.


Token Name : Yearn Finance Limited Edition
Token Ticker : YFLTD
Total Supply : 4,500:
Private Sale has started on the following site:
1 ETH = 5YFLTD tokens
You can also purchase tokens sending ETH to the following ETH wallet 0x03d6049C1f332FEA410f7dA4bD47D0FFE042f311

BTT Bounty:

Author :  faujan.nawawi

Sunday, November 22, 2020


ntroducing UNICAP
The project was established by the corporate FINEXPO alive since 2002. the most projects of FINEXPO are luxury trade exhibitions and exhibitions held annually round the world. These events were attended by quite 200,000 visitors and 3000 companies worldwide. the corporate is additionally the owner of and Master.Money. The geography of those programs is basically wide and includes the subsequent countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Cyprus, China, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia , Latvia, etc.

Cryptocurrency exchange exchange fund (CETF) is an exchange trading fund and merchandise i.e. they’re traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. CETFs resemble mutual funds in some ways , except that CETF is bought and sold for twenty-four hours on cryptocurrency exchanges. CETF holds assets like cryptocurrencies, tokens, and coins and sometimes works with a arbitrage mechanism designed to stay it trading on the brink of its net worth, although sometimes deviation can occur.

Cryptocurrency exchange margin (CETF) may be a sort of funds and electronic money exchange product, that is, we are traded on a cryptocurrency exchange. CETF same because the same also as many surface.
EXCEPT CETF is bought and sold for twenty-four hours on cryptocurrency exchanges.

CETF holds assets like cryptocurrencies, crypto-tokens, and coins and sometimes works with a arbitrage mechanism designed to stay it trading on the brink of its value assets, albeit sometimes. when deviation can happen. The CETF divides its own ownership into code tokens held by the token token owner. Token owner indirectly owns the assets of the fund. Token token holders enjoy some of the profits, and that they will enjoy any value reciprocally if the funds are liquidated.

Most coin and token holders (investors) face:
● No additional passive income.
● Inability to create profiles from some tokens / coins and its professional management.
● Takes time and resources during day transactions. Learn and adjust with the artificial intelligence 

● Commission loss.
● Continuously monitor new trends and decide whether to buy tokens and

coins of view.
In search of profits, they started paying attention to the fast-growing DeFI startups. However, here they find that most DeFi tokens do not have actual business but only have expectations about the success of the project, so they can be easily increased and can easily easy discount.
The market spread can be as high as $ 1–100–1, so only founders can make money from it. All projects do not pass on actual returns to investors, so many of them are scammed. We analyzed the market and created a safe, profitable and transparent UNICAP project.

Make a primary deposit with the DeFi eco system to make more profits from your dormant cryptocurrency. Investors can solve these problems, start increasing profits and steady income just by creating a crypto fund (investment file is possible). We have created a secure UCAP exchange encryption message that you are offered instead of investing in an account as part of the UNICAP fund.
You do not buy tokens but invest together in the fund, swapping your money to UCAP tokens. Your funds are replenished in the account fund and all transactions are transparent. That is why every initial UCAP tokenization will be 90% decentralized with the crypto and token token accounts where the conversion is done. 10% will be inspected by the company management, developed, listed on top exchanges and advertised the project. Profits of the DeFi-generating operating system will be forwarded to the fund, which will increase the cost of tokenization and cover initial fund management costs as well as increase the cost of market funds.

Swap tokens into your coins is planned multi-level (minimum 90 levels). The price will go up to 0.1 dollars per next level (300,000–1,000,000 tokens)! After the public and listed Pre-Swap Level, the token will swap / sell at the price set by the exchange, but not lower than the current level. The starting price of $ 1 will go up to over $ 20 at the end of all token allocation, which should give quite a return for the early fund investors.

The opportunity to convert the UCAP token token to the “Buyback” fund will be available at a higher level (after listing) or you can use the token token as a financial instrument of all portions of the funds. for group or exchange transactions. UCAP “Redeem” Conversion — all token tokens returned to funds will be frozen and converted / sold to crypto in the future after level 90! Swap “Buyback” Discount 5% of commission into money. Minimum “Redeem” 10,000 USDT. UCAP value conversion = Net value / Save encrypted message

The Crypto Notice will be listed on the exchange of the exchange (Bittrex, OKEX, Huobi, Binance, FTX, BitHumb, UpBit, BitFinex and more) after the time changes before going public. Account thanh group will be create at all the first DeFi platform.

Loan protocol by computer. UNICAP DeFi Bank may be a repository of cryptocurrencies and a pre-archival program of support and withdrawals, almost like receipt and payment at any given time. Through technical modifications (agreements) adopted by the structured blockchain, the tester can quickly get a refund unhindered and borrowers can quickly and fully support the budget after when providing appropriate confidentiality. All benefits from the DeFi ecosystem are transferred to the resource and file cost of the token’s code CETF are often buy and sell at current market value at any point within 24 hours. Likewise, budget professionals can do an equivalent sorts of conversions they will do with computerized cash, for instance , limit orders, allowing testers to display Concentration the degree useful they please change, catastrophic stop orders, competitive buying, supportive patterns and no basics needed. Since CETF are often gain up, hold and disposed of appropriately, some theorists buy and hold CETF for the aim of an asset transfer, when special currency levels change the CETF divides an honest opportunity. worthwhile to assist insurance or complete the journey time schools.

Furthermore, options, including identification and disposition calls, can be made or purchased on the CETF. Insured-allowed calls allow testers and vendors to increase their interest in purchasing their CETF with social event accounts (benefit of a default call or make ra) Cannot access to give up the things to make up to make up.

We have warranted on the UCAP exchange of notice codes that you are provided with as opposed to such endeavors as a UNICAP resource. Anyway, you don’t accept a token synthesis that can be included in your exchange resource, you take the UCAP token code. You are here to be distribution at the document write and all the convert to all avert to live online. That is the explanation that every crypto announcement UCAP from the start will be 90% decentralized in cash and the advanced crypto token account on which the exchange is refined. 10% will be spent by the guild leader for testing, developing, posting at the principles exchanges and advancing in the adventure. The advantage of the automatic DeFi movement will be transported away from resources, which will also generate cost-encrypted notifications and cover hidden costs to keep chiefs in check when market costs rise.

Exchange token tokens with you resources organized in multiple levels (minimum level 90). Cost will increase to 0.1 dollars per next level (300,000–1,000,000 token tokens)! After pre-publicity and registration level switching, the code announcement will change / sell at the price set by the exchange, though not at the level. The $ 1 start cost will increase to more than $ 20 before completing the conversion of all code tokens, which will be profitable for the chief store manager.

UCAP Token Conversion Event to UCAP Resource Acquisition will be opened at additional level (after being registered) or you can use encrypted message as a resource tool of all assets Exchange group resource or transaction. UCAP exchange redeemed, all crypto notice returned to resources will be set up and change / s sale of this cryptocurrency after level 90! Swap Redemption offers a 5% commission reduction for help. Minimum redemption Swap 10,000 USDT. Variable UCAP = Bright value / Save encoding message. convert link and

Tokenization will be recorded on the conversion transactions itself (Bittrex, OKEX, Huobi, Binance, FTX, BitHumb, UpBit, BitFinex and then a number) after the transition period before publicity. Account bar group will be done in all the DeFi phase of promotion.
The UNICAP ecosystem

Token specifications and sales allocation
● Token: UCAP
● Token type: ERC-20
● Blockchain: Ethereum
Legal classification: Utility token
● Total supply (Number of tokens): 100,000,000
Private swap: 250,000 UCAP (0.20%) at $ 0.8 per UCAP
● Level 1 public pre-swaps: 300,000 UCAP (0.30%) at $ 0.8 — $ 1 per UCAP
● Level 2 public pre-swaps: 500,000 UCAP (0.50%) at 0.9–1.1 USD per UCAP
● Level 3 public pre-swaps: 500,000 UCAP (0.50%) at 1–1.2 USD per UCAP
● Discount 4: 500,000 UCAP (1%) at 1.1–1.3 USD per UCAP
● Discount 5: 500,000 UCAP (1%) at 1.2–1.4 USD per UCAP● Discount 6: 1,000,000 UCAP (1%) at 1.3–1.5 USD per UCAP
● Discount 7–100: 1,000,000 UCAP (1%) per tier at 1.4–20 USD per UCAP


Q3 2020 : Idea Generation. CETF & DeFi product research. Brainstorming. Team forming, Creation of

Q4 2020 : Site development. Opening of Investor Personal Account (14 languages), Deployment of Smart contract and mining tokens UCAP.
Pre public swap tokens offering. Unicap Global community development. Promo/Airdrop/Bounty.

Q1 2021 : DeFi Bank product design and prototype. Swap tokens. Listing token on KuCoin/Bittrex/FTX/Exmo/Lbank. AirDrop for DeFi community. New Funds Develop and Launch. 1st Global community survey.

Q2 2021 : UNICAP DeFi Bank v1 Launch, New Funds Development and launch. Swap of tokens. Listing OKEX, HUOBI, BINACE. Acceptance of funding proposals for Crypto/DeFi startups.

Q3 2021 : UNICAP DeFi Bank v2 (new protocols) Launch. New Funds Develop and Launch. Listings New Funds.

Q4 2021 : UNICAP New Startups Launch. Listings Startups on OKEX/HUOBI/BINANCE.

DeFI startups are growing fast. However, most DeFi tokens do not have actual business but only have expectations about the success of the project, so they can be easily increased and can be easily decreased in the meantime The process by UNICAP makes its users safe, profitable and transparent. Above is the personal information I give is not investment advice. For more information, you can visit the link below:

 Bất hòa:

Author : faujan.nawawi

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Praem Capital

The cryptocurrency industry is changing each day. For instance, the number of cryptocurrency exchanges keeps growing with each platform choosing to offer an extra unique service as a differentiation strategy in the crypto universe some choose to focus on trading, brand identity, customer service or education resources. Strategy chosen by these centralized exchanges has led the industry to grow alongside imminent challenges not possible to solve using centralized strategies and or plans. Therefore, there is a need to support decentralized exchanges that are truly focussed on the original Satoshi Nakamoto vision in Bitcoin of creating a trust less, permission-less and a peer to peer ecosystem where each user has control over their funds or wealth. Peacock Finance is such a platform seeking to revolutionize the crypto ecosystem by introducing innovative decentralized finance solutions.

In our view, the types of exchanges in the crypto ecosystem are fundamental, most of the exchanges in this ecosystem are centralized and this can generate a direct impact on the capital of the users, by not having their cryptocurrencies in personal custody, we have. seen in some scenarios in the past with these centralized exchanges.

Decentralized ecosystems are growing rapidly, and this is the future of exchanges, that each user really has control over their capital in cryptocurrencies, the world at this time is rapidly moving towards this technology that will revolutionize financial markets not only in the ecosystems of cryptocurrencies, if not also in fiat ecosystems.

Peacock plays an important role in this stage of decentralization of exchanges, providing and implementing tools that allow users security and transparency in transactions without touching their capital,


Centralized projects
Technical architecture
Unsafe platforms
Poor market liquidity
Customer Support
Poor internationalization and linguistic support

These are some of the problems that users of centralized exchanges face every day, exposing our capital by handing over the money to an intermediary that goes against the essence of the cryptocurrencies themselves and the decentralization fixation that bitcoin gave us. at its creation in 2008.

Ecosystem of exchange based on ERC20 tokens, on the blockchain technology of the cryptocurrency Ethereum ETH, in which decentralized exchanges can be carried out without intermediaries, on criteria such as liquidity, market volume and transactions executed by the reverse community.


The cryptographic space has more and more advanced implementations, bitcoin (BTC) is the first currency in the crypto world (First generation of cryptocurrency), and as a result of this, a number of cryptocurrencies and tokens have been added that do not stop growing, this leads us to the demand for decentralized exchanges to increase in the future.

Today decentralized exchanges are based on the most important second-generation currency of the crypto ecosystem Ethereum (ETH), and its ERC20 tokens, PEACOCK SWAP will not only be based on this blockchain, but the road map will lead the creation of decentralized exchanges in third generation currencies such as Tron (TRX), with its TRC10 and TRC20 tokens, to this roadmap we will add a decentralized exchange of the Cardano (ADA) blockchain, with its ADA tokens, and finally we will add a decentralized exchange based on Nem’s blockchain (XEM) and EOS blockchain (EOS).
Our Solution- Peacock Finance

Our next level generation decentralized cryptocurrency exchange seeks to revolutionize and disrupt the currency digital assets ecosystem. Our team understands the challenges faced by users in the industry with some members who have a past experience in financial and crypto markets as well as cryptography technology and development. Some of our products are as described below.
Peacock Swap Exchange

Our exchange Peacock Swap Exchange will be built initially on the Ethereum blockchain using ERC20 standard and supporting affiliated tokens. It allows us to develop a truly decentralized exchange which will eliminate the role of intermediaries in our ecosystem and we deploy the revolutionary smart contract technology. In order to solve the liquidity problem faced by many cryptocurrencies exchanges we use Ethereum smart contract infrastructure to allow our community to trade easily. Additionally, we are planning to add other exchange protocols with their supported tokens such as Tron blockchain effectively allowing us to access TRC10 and TRC20 tokens. Others include Cardano blockchain with its ADA tokens, Binance protocol alongside its BNB token, Nem and EOS blockchains with XEM and EOS tokens respectively. Effectively, this allows Peacock Swap Exchange to leverage on these protocols access to various liquidity sources and providing a decentralized exchange where users can exchange in a peer to peer model. Eventually, it will mean we solve the high fees experienced in the present cryptocurrency ecosystem as well as other significant benefits for our users.

Peacock Swap Exchange Features
100% Decentralized Swap Exchange
Ease of Use We embed new technologies in our app that were carefully evaluated according to the criteria of cost and ease of use.

Near zero fee in transactions
Access to 10 cryptocurrency exchanges
Safe and Secure Our application includes a network protocol which improves security of transaction through an encrypted tunnel that has users login via a computer or any other device.

Unlimited Liquidity
No Hidden Fees
24/7 Customer Support
Multi-Lingual Support
Staking Our platform allows users to stake tokens for a minimum of 3 days and earn yield on their initial amount.

Swaps Users can their token for any other cryptocurrency including ETH and USDT
Creation of wallet and connecting to other wallets

A user willing to get started on the Peacock Swap Exchange needs only email and password credentials to sign, secure private keys among other credentials. The process takes less than 5 seconds to create a Peacock wallet. It is easy if a user has other wallet options which he or she can connect to our main wallet on the exchange. Some of the wallet connect options include:

Mobile wallet
Ledger Nano
Coinbase Wallet

Peacock Staking
Our platform will have Peacock staking option for users interested in staking their Peacock Finance Currency (PCKF), borrow other assets and use this as their voting right on community improvements. Users who choose to stake which is another strategy of providing liquidity to our ecosystem will earn a yield on their PCKF token. Unlike other DeFi staking products our staking users can unlock their amount after a short time of 3 days and receive earned yield for the period staked with us. Additionally, we do not have minimum staking requirements.

What’s more have a look at earnings the highest industry so far available on staking PCKF below:

Annual 32.4%
Monthly 2.7%
Daily 0.09%

Peacock Finance (PCKF) and Tokenomics
Our platform will have a native token namely Peacock Finance (PCKF) which will run natively on the Ethereum blockchain using ERC20 standard. It will have a limited supply (borrowing from Bitcoin principle of limiting supply) of 520,000 PCKF. The objective of having such a limited supply and capping it is to allows us to control token inflation as well as gain value through organic and exponential growth.
Token Name: Peacock Finance
Token Symbol: PCKF
Token Type ERC20
Total Supply 520,000

Contract 0xb77B2a2e2513e1C84d85b4B2006a6BdAD9C9dfB4
Pre-Sale 1
Supply: 100,000
Hard Cap: $60,000
Soft Cap: $30,000

Capital gain from price growth of our token will be essential to generating working capital. Such funds will be used in further development and improvement of our decentralized exchange such as development of own blockchain network, with smart contracts to allow tokenization of projects on the platform. Our token sale will take place in different crypto exchanges both centralized and decentralized and will be run in a transparent way.
Token Use Cases

We expect our token to have several utility functions such as aiding payments and movement of value in real estate project, as well as other suitable businesses and investments.
Token Sale

Our token holders will participate in token sale in a 3:1 ratio and this will be available on Tron, EOS, NEM and Cardano exchanges. There will be 3 round of Peacock Finance (PCKF) pre-sale each retailing at $0.6 initially.
Round 1: 100,000 PCKF at 0.6 USDT/token
Round 2: 50,000 PCKF at 1.2 USDT/token
Round 3: 30,000 PCKF at 2 USDT/token

By the time of launch on Peacock Swap Exchange and Uniswap each PCKF will cost $3.
Token Allocation and Pre-Sale

Development team: 15.96%
Referral link: 6.38%
Pre sale: 19.15%
Uniswap: 10.64%
Exchanges: 10.64%
Team & Advisors: 21.28%
Staking: 15.96%

To get clearer information, please visit the link below:

Author : faujan nawawi

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Unifinity a platform to perfect the education management system.

Quality Education and Emerging
Technologies are the key to a country's development and economic growth. Most companies are now requiring their employees to complete a certain level of studies, even a degree to achieve an increased salary as well as certain skill sets as minimum requirements. Although there are many challenges within every household that prevents a student from being able to afford their studies and University Fees are one of the factors why a student decides to discontinue their studies. During August 2017 in the Philippines under the rule of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the 112 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and 78 Local Universities (LUCs) to launch the implementation of Republic Act (RA) 10931 or the “Universal Access to 
Quality Tertiary Education Act.”
Broadly speaking, the concept of Unifinity is to create the First Decentralized Application that will support all universities by providing accessibility and technology using Blockchain Technology. The aim of UNIFINITY is to create the first decentralized application that allows universities and schools of various sizes to quickly implement the use of Blockchain technology and smart contracts for various needs. They believe that Blockchain technology can be used as a powerful tool to improve education and learning management systems today. Please note that Unifity is based in the Philippines or late 19th Floor Marco Polo Ortigas Center Pasig City, Philippines. You can see this information on their official website.
We believe that Blockchain technology can be used as a powerful tool to improve the current Education system and Learning Management System. The UNIFINITY DAPP will enable users; such as Parents, Students and University Management to have full and simple insight and control of all related data. UNIFINITY has created the Dapp as a dynamic interface, connecting all blockchain innovation partners and processes, thus enabling the infrastructure with integrated tools. Ultimately universities will be empowered to manage the blockchain features and applications at a fraction of the cost and in the most optimal time frame.
UNIFINITY recognizes that technology is at the core of our daily lives and work, thus leveragingtechnology to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences to the students. Resources and assessments measure student achievements which also reward students every time they add certain skills or knowledge gained on courses within the UNIFINITY platform, thus a revolutionary transformation focusing on supporting the Education System by;
· Providing parents a way to track and monitor
their payments,
· Ensuring payments are sent directly to the
university at low cost fees,
· Providing ability to monitor student performance
and attendance.
· Using Tokens deployed on a Smart Contract that
will serve as an immutable digital timestamp
using Blockchain.
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UNIFINITY is focused on providing technical support and services to educational institutions to support academic and administrative processes through smart contracts which make it easier to sort thedata, tracking, monitoring activities and attendance of the students. This all being done by utilizing Tokens as a form of virtual fingerprint and tamper proof time-stamp and providing incentives and rewards to every student who perform on the Application.
· To complete the development of the application and to on board universities, colleges, schools globally who have no access to quality learning application and Enrollment management system.
· To provide accessibility to parents on providing them a tool for them to continue their studies as well as accessibility to manage their finance with fast payments that are secure with low cost fees.
· To encourage more students to pursue their studies and learn the right investment by giving them access to professional courses provided by top universities.
· To provide the university the capability to issue their own Anti Counterfeit Blockchain Certificates and anti-fraud Blockchain identity card that also serves as a wallet where users can use it across multiple merchant partners using smart contracts over various applications.
The advantages of the Unifinity application
Safe and anti-fraud
Giving universities the ability to issue their own Blockchain Anti Counterfeiting Certificates and anti-fraud Blockchain identity cards that also function as a wallet, that users can use in various trading partners using smart contracts through various applications.
With their own personal blockchain technology, they could reduce transaction costs needed. It is different from using blockchain ethereum or similar platforms, that are affected by the number of transactions and block size makes transaction costs unpredictable.
With Unifinity, universities can eliminate things that are not important in providing information to parents and students. Streamline the education system to be more efficient and less complicated as before.
Based on the roadmap that is on their official website, this project has actually started working on it in 2018. And only this year it was officially released and introduced at the token49 event, Ethereum SuperMeetUP, and Unchain Conversion. And the latest information they plan to hold an initial engagement with the University of Cebu.
Oh ya, Unifinity also has a Shop. unifinity service that functions as a marketplace that makes it easy for students to buy their needs. for those of you who want to sell their goods, you can register your shop directly on their official website shop. Unifinity is open to the public. for now, with free registration, and payments can use popular crypto coins such as btc, eth, bch, and dash. Join Unifinity for the development of a better education system.
A decentralized online education platform that aims to support the academic and administrative processes to make it easier to sort the data by using smart contracts.This will provide multiple solutions to the top most common problems faced by universities/schools, professors, parents, and students.
A platform that encourages the user to monitor their finances using the Finance tool, this tool will automate the remittance process every month. track and automate the upcoming payments to avoid delay on bills.
A decentralized Mobile Application where the users (i.e. Parents, Teachers, Students and Admin) will be able to access the system on their
Mobile phones or Tablets as well as Desktop version. One of the most logical use for Blockchain is as a means to expedite the transfer of funds from one party to another, in
this case, a direct payment solution for parents and the university.
A Platform for making it easy to verify and create Blockchain based certificate and I.D and making it available to institutions, governments and companies to improve productivity and reduce time and manpower for certification, while eliminating fraud.
Name: faujan.nawawi

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Teknologi Blockchain diterapkan di berbagai bidang, lingkarannya terus berkembang. Karena mencakup lebih banyak area baru, mengapa tidak mencoba dengan industri ganja? Kombinasi ganja dan blockchain menimbulkan rasa ingin tahu karena dua masalah yang menyebabkan banyak keraguan, termasuk masalah hukum, dan juga antusiasme.

Industri ganja secara tradisional ilegal dan terfragmentasi, tetapi pengakuan resmi atas banyak manfaat kesehatannya meningkatkan legitimasinya. Beberapa negara telah menyetujui produksi, distribusi, dan penggunaan ganja dan banyak negara lain mengikuti jejak mereka. Pemerintah mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan untuk meyakinkan pengguna ganja yang mengandung tetrahydrocannabinol tinggi (tingkat THC di pabrik adalah dasar untuk mengklasifikasikan ganja sebagai narkotika atau non-narkotika) daripada menggunakan ganja dengan THC rendah dan kanababidiol tingkat tinggi. (CBD adalah komponen ganja yang memberikan manfaat kesehatan.)

Pada tahun 2017, undang-undang Swiss tentang produksi, penjualan dan penggunaan ganja (mengandung maksimum 1% THC) diubah. Undang-undang baru memberi perusahaan hak (dengan otorisasi dan lisensi yang tepat) untuk memproses tanaman ganja dan mendistribusikan ganja di dalam negara.

VIRIDI berusaha menjadikan industri ganja sebagai arus utama dengan memanfaatkan blockchain di mana pun ia berada atau akan dilegalkan. Kekuatan kami adalah peluang investasi kami yang unik dan menarik dalam produksi ganja di Swiss.

Hingga VIRIDI didorong untuk membuka perdagangan uang, koin VIRIDI melalui proyek / bisnis apa pun diedarkan kepada individu yang memenuhi persyaratan organisasi. Setelah VIRIDI didorong dalam perdagangan terbuka, individu di luar bagian organisasi sistem dapat memasukkan sumber daya ke dalam VIRIDI tanpa manfaat dari bagian itu, misalnya, komisi dengan minat pada VIRIDI.


VIRIDI pada mulanya merupakan satu-satunya cryptocurrency yang memungkinkan investasi pada tanaman ganja. Industri ganja adalah bisnis yang menguntungkan dengan nilai miliaran dolar di seluruh dunia. Industri ini terus berkembang karena negara-negara baru melegalkan penggunaan ganja. Penggunaan VIRIDI yang terpenting adalah untuk mendapatkan akses dalam peluang investasi, yang memungkinkan investor mendapatkan pengembalian yang tinggi.

Perusahaan utama untuk VIRIDI adalah Exer Global Group Corp, yang berbasis di Siprus sementara "Wali VIRIDI AG" dari Lichtenstein adalah perusahaan wali untuk koin VIRIDI yang telah berinvestasi di perkebunan ganja besar di Swiss.

Dividen dari perkebunan ini membentuk nilai yang mendasari VIRIDI. Nilai ini adalah apa yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memberi pemilik koin VIRIDI pengembalian investasi 4 kali dalam setahun. Visinya adalah untuk memfasilitasi pertumbuhan dan distribusi ganja di seluruh dunia melalui investasi yang memiliki kebijakan pengembalian yang menarik dan akan memberikan koin VIRIDI nilai tinggi.

Kami bercita-cita untuk

● Standarisasi

Mendukung standarisasi industri ganja dan cryptocurrency.

● Transparansi

Bertanggung jawab dan transparan, dengan komitmen pada undang-undang, etika, dan moral.

● Pengurangan

Mendukung pengurangan distribusi ganja ilegal dan meningkatkan kesadaran kesehatan.

● Pengembangan

Kembangkan sistem cerdas yang memfasilitasi hubungan antara ganja dan cryptocurrency.


Perusahaan utama untuk VIRIDI adalah Exer Global group Corp, yang berbasis di Siprus, dan wali amanat untuk VIRIDI adalah "GUARD VIRIDI AG", yang berbasis di Lichtenstein. Tim ahli dan konsultan kami yang sangat terspesialisasi menangani sebagian besar pengembangan aplikasi, terutama di Eropa. VIRIDI menyediakan sistem luas yang dibangun di atas cryptocurrency dan produksi ganja,
yang memiliki platform untuk dompet, integrasi dengan pertukaran publik, dan banyak lagi.


(Crypto-One-Stop-Solution) mencakup semua fitur yang tersedia dalam sistem ekonomi digital berbasis cryptocurrency. Sistem menyatukan semua aspek transaksi yang biasanya dikelola menggunakan uang FIAT. Sistem ini menawarkan solusi untuk investasi, pertukaran, dompet, dan transaksi.


Explorer adalah alat berbasis web ( Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat saldo dompet VIRIDI. Ini adalah buku besar terbuka, dan semua transaksi, termasuk transaksi historis, dapat dilihat.
Aplikasi ini dapat diakses tanpa otentikasi dan menyediakan data jaringan statistik seperti:
jumlah total VIRIDI yang beredar pada waktu tertentu
Volume transaksional tersedia dalam berbagai slot waktu (1 jam, 24 jam, 7 hari dan satu bulan)
jumlah blok, dompet, dll.

Harga VIRIDI di berbagai bursa.

VIRIDI Wallet adalah dompet lintas platform yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan VIRIDI.
Wallet menyediakan fungsi-fungsi berikut untuk VIRIDI:
menghasilkan alamat baru di jaringan blockchain
memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat saldo VIRIDI dan mengirim transaksi ke dompet lain
memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat transaksi dan rilis yang tertunda
memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat dan melakukan setoran (Masternodes)
memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan permintaan pembayaran dan menampilkannya sebagai kode QR
memungkinkan pengguna untuk memindai kode QR untuk mengirim pembayaran VIRIDI

Salah satu pendorong utama nilai koin VIRIDI adalah kenyataan bahwa VIRIDI berinvestasi di perusahaan ganja di Swiss. Pengembalian ke pemegang koin VIRIDI didasarkan pada dividen dari perusahaan ganja. VIRIDI adalah mata uang unik dengan produk fisik dan bisnis yang menguntungkan di belakangnya. VIRIDI akan menawarkan akses kepada pemilik dompet untuk transaksi online dan offline.

Jaringan afiliasi GREEN:
Sebagian besar VIRIDI akan didistribusikan melalui sistem afiliasi, di mana anggota akan diberikan koin hadiah untuk memperluas jaringan dengan anggota baru. Terserah kepada anggota yang memiliki VIRIDI untuk memilih cara menerima pembayaran, misalnya, VIRIDI baru atau mata uang digital terkenal lainnya (yang dapat ditukar dengan uang FIAT). Setiap investasi dalam VIRIDI menghasilkan komisi tujuh tingkat di atas dalam jaringan, dan tergantung pada anggota (yang memenuhi syarat untuk komisi apa pun) untuk memilih apakah mereka ingin VIRIDI atau mata uang kripto lainnya (satu mata uang utama harus ditetapkan sebagai default oleh anggota)) di titik waktu tertentu). Hingga VIRIDI diluncurkan pada pertukaran mata uang publik, koin VIRIDI (melalui program / proyek apa pun) didistribusikan hanya kepada anggota perusahaan yang memenuhi syarat. Setelah VIRIDI diluncurkan di bursa umum,

Investor awal 0,1 EUR (diperlukan keanggotaan yang berkualitas).
Pra-penjualan di untuk 0,5 EUR (diperlukan keanggotaan yang memenuhi syarat).
Pra-penjualan di langkah 1, harga 1,50 EUR + 20%, maksimum 15 juta untuk dijual.
Pra-penjualan di langkah 2, harga 1,50 EUR + 10%, maksimum 15 juta untuk dijual.
Peluncuran pertukaran publik direncanakan pada 2,00 EUR tetapi dapat meningkat sesuai permintaan.
Harga lebih lanjut didasarkan pada penawaran dan permintaan.

Distribusi dana

● 77,5 Juta Operasi dan Produksi

● 46,5 Juta Situs Pemasaran dan Pertukaran

● 31 Juta Teknologi dan Inovasi

Distribusi koin

● 90 Juta Investor Awal

● 30 Juta Kontribusi Tahap 1 & 2

● 45 Juta Penambangan & Hadiah Masternode

● 20 Juta Dev dan Pendiri

● 10 Juta Bounty & Airdrop

● 5 Juta Penasihat

Peta jalan

Kuartal 4 2017

● Exer CanaPlus Ltd didirikan

● Viridi Token lahir

● Token Presale

● Lokasi ditemukan untuk budidaya

● Sertifikasi hukum untuk budidaya ganja

● Bangun situs web

Kuartal 1 2018

● Token presale

● Kembangkan lampu dan uji persiapan kultivasi

● Pengujian produk, pengujian galur dan klasifikasi ganja

Kuartal 2 2018

● Token presale

● Mulai pengembangan viridi windows wallet, webwallet online, Masternodes dan blockchain

Kuartal 3 2018

● Token presale

● Pengaturan kultivasi kedua 1000 kg.

● Viridi blockchain ditayangkan

● Rilis webwallet online untuk Viridi Coin

● Pengembangan viridi windows wallet, Masternodes dan blockchain

● Pengaturan Komunikasi Sosial

Kuartal 4 2018

● presale 1-2 total terbuka 30.000.000 koin presale 1 + 20%, presale 2 + 10% viridicoin

● Program Airdrops dan Bounty

● Rencana investasi baru untuk 2019.

● Perjanjian dengan pertanian ganja di Schaffhausen berakhir, Viridi mulai berinvestasi di saham Cannabis.

Kuartal 1 2019

● Tes dompet windows Viridi

● Tukar Viridi token ke Viridi Coin (VIC) 23 / 3-2019

● Koin Viridi di situs pertukaran

● Proof Of Parking (POP) siap untuk kunci pertama dari 23/3 hingga 5 / 4-2019

Kuartal 2 2019

● Pembayaran dari Bukti Parkir (POP) Q1

● Lepaskan Masternodes LVL 1-2-3

● Rilis koin dompet Viridi windows Viridi di lebih banyak situs pertukaran.

● Kemungkinan investasi baru untuk koin Viridi

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:

Ann Thread:

nama: faujan.nawawi
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=2573696

Monday, April 6, 2020

LeadWallet is the simplest multi-crypto wallet for various crypto-related transactions.


Cryptocurrency wallet is software designed to enable users to monitor transactions, store, send and receive digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and so on. Cryptocurrency wallets have become a major trend in the blockchain space and anyone interested in the crypto business needs to make use of them. Some wallets are developed with private keys that allow users to accept ownership of the wallet account to monitor transactions and transfer funds on the blockchain. Private key is a code designed to be associated with the cryptocurrency wallet public address. Users are strongly advised to never share their private key and password with anyone to avoid losing funds that cannot be recovered, only public addresses can be shared publicly.
At present, there are several cryptocurrency with their official wallets, where some wallets are developed for a single cryptocurrency asset, others help their clients manage their funds, while some can be used to hold more than one digital crypto asset and some serve as custodial wallets . (located on the exchange). There are various types of wallets to choose from such as online, offline, cellphone, hardware, desktop, and paper based on their functionality and usage mode.
From the statement above, some readers may wonder what wallet to use.
Then let me introduce everyone to the Lead Wallet. This cryptocurrency wallet has been designed to provide the best service to clients regardless of their location.


download (3).jpeg

Lead Wallet is an innovative product of Lead Cyber Services Limited. The company team focuses on providing unrivaled customer experience and services that adequately satisfy the needs of every interested customer with their developed products and services.
The new direction of the company involves creating a safe and transparent multi cryptocurrency wallet called Lead Wallet. Lead Wallet is a decentralized application based on iOS and Android platforms, thus using this app enables customers to spend, store and manage their funds comfortably.
Several wallets are built with crude infrastructure which leads to unwanted challenges for their users. Lead wallet developers aim at making the wallet different from competitors by integrating a framework that supports the store and trade of cryptocurrencies. Also, support on Android and IOS platforms eliminates geographical barriers, allowing Lead Wallet to become globally adopted.


This feature enables users to easily hold POS based cryptocurrencies and related assets by staking them in the Lead Wallet account. Incentives will be given based on how the blockchain rewards the stakers.

Lead C-marketplace is identical to e-market which facilitates easy online purchase and selling of goods and services. Lend C-marketplaces will allow clients to spend their crypto funds on quality services and products without intermediaries.

Lead Wallet fully supports various cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC, stableecoins, ERC20 tokens and 100+ digital assets. The team designed the wallet with up-to-date security systems and user friendly interfaces to guarantee the convenience and protection of assets.

Swap feature inside Lead Wallet permits instant swap of one crypto assets to another with hassles.


The founders behind the Lead Wallet have launched the platform's native token named Lead token. It is developed on Ethereum blockchain and complies to ERC20 Standard. Lead tokens will support the wallet ecosystem by enabling users to perform transparent and secure transactions in trading, payment of fees and other essential transactions within the Lead Wallet infrastructure.
LEAD tokens are also developed with a deflationary monetary system, where 30% of Lead Wallet quarterly profits will be utilized in the purchase of LEAD tokens from exchanges and these bought-back tokens are burn irreversibly.

There are numerous fake wallets and storing your coins in them can lead to permanent loss. However, genuine wallets do have their pros and cons, thus it is quite sensible to choose a suitable wallet by understanding it's capabilites and competence.
From this article, you can understand that Lead Wallet is truly the recommended Wallet for cryptocurrency enthusiasts because of it's incredible features and potential. The world is moving towards e-commerce and genuine wallets with lots of benefits such as Lead Wallet can't be ignored but adopted to make financial transactions more convenient, transparent and secure.

For more information visit the site below:


name: faujan.nawawi
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2573696

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Blockburn (BURN) market added.

BlockBurn creates an open and engaging platform for gaming and gambling all over the globe to share in the excitement of games and gamble.
In developing blockburn gaming network, developers considered the following factors visual appeal, value brought to the burn cryptocurrency and brand building of the game network.
All these indicators undoubtedly tell us that this project segment has great potential for growth and development. The BlockBurn company team every day makes a lot of efforts to improve and develop the platform, which may soon become one of the best and most in demand for an audience of gamers and viewers.
More over, When one talks about transparency in blockchain technology in Gaming Industry, you talk about BlockBurn. The intelligent teams of Burn saw the importance of scalability and security of game and gambling lover’s details and information. The blockchain is used as a tool to verify a player's stage, status, and ownership of digital games and collections. There is a new finding where players will be rewarded for the completed task through intelligent contracts.
1ROUND SALE has been SOLD earlier before time frame. Actually it was scheduled from feb 17th to march 2nd with Hardcap of $700k but due to the demand from the community. It was sold out within 5minutes, through ChainX Exchange What a wonderful project!

Guess what! There's is Second chance for you to participate in the 2nd sale, do not miss out on these. Here is the details
The 2ROUND SALE starts at 14:00(KST) on the 20th (Thursday) Feb with $500k Hardcap. The purchase event that was conducted in ROUND 1 is the same in ROUND 2. Some of us will be wondering what is purchase event? Purchase event is an event given to early adopters that purchase the token based on first come first serve.
Invest 15 ETH or more get 1 Trezor wallet(total 30 units, first come first serve)
Invest 50 ETH or more get 1 Samsung S10+ 128G(total 25 units, first come first serve)
Invest 100 ETH or more get 1 Apple MacBook Pro 15inch 2019 (total 10 units, first come first serve)
This was also applicable to the 1st IEO that was sold out within 5minutes, with BlockBurn your investment is superb and secured.
The blockchain technology was induced into the system also so as to unlock undervalued and previously un-monetized aspects in gaming. It has successfully eliminated the central control of gambling activity and talents giving users the benefits of participating while earning, if such users are only been dedicated to the system. It makes fairness, merit and equal opportunity the benchmark for competition as well as reward.


BlockBurn "BURN" will base its functionality which includes its products and services on the Ethereum blockchain network. Its products and services games with skill challenges, daily high score leaderboards
Skill Challenges: Here, the players stake against blockburn when they compete on solo challenges such as attaining a certain number of kills or getting first place in a solo game. Players are required to have burn token to participate and will lose it when they can't achieve the challenge or get rewarded when the challenge is completed.
Daily updates: Here, BlockBurn provides current updates on cryptocurrency development and also earn reward while at it.
Download the BlockBurn dapp (coming soon) from Google store or directly from our download installer link.
You need to create your game account for you to be able to sign in anytime – you’ll only need to do this once.
Every new user must have atleast 1Burn token to start playing! you’ll need to purchase Burn from exchange – it’ll only take a minute.
Choose one of BLockBurn supported games. Select a Skill Challenge. Place a skill-bet, then queue into game. If you win your game, you win your bet.
The BURN utility token can be used by players to stake a bet on the outcomes of battles and competition on the platform. You must have atleast 1 BURN token in the wallet to play a game. The facts here is that BLOCKBURN is tokenizing the gaming system where people could use BURN to subscribes to the games of their choice and also earn reward for winning a game. The payment mode will also become easier with the help of BURN token. There are lot of benefits for holding and staking the BURN token
For more information
IEO Supply: 300,000,000 Burn
Minimum Purchase Amount: 1 ETH
Maximum purchase: 10000 ETH
IEO Hard Cap: $1,200,000

For more information visit the site below:

name: faujan.nawawi