Sunday, February 20, 2022


#SLIB #soulliber #BSC #Matic #ETH #BTC

People regular, fight with limitless issues of dissatisfaction, misery, stress, disposition swings and uneasiness. These tensions are generally kept stowed away, as people attempt to take care of these issues all alone. The most effective way to lift discouragement and reduce these tensions is the point at which the impacted people participate in straightforward 10–20 minutes discussions.

About Soullib

Soullib is the following huge explosion on the blockchain space. Soullib which is decentralized and an outskirts for interchanges, while making the right system for mending and lifting life’s loads. Soullib is an interesting outskirts in the cryptosystem, with a particular use case for successful pseudo mysterious interchanges, secret and un-trashed admittance to individuals, who tune in, care, comprehend and very much want to hear your perspectives on life’s concerns, tensions, stress, fears, considerations and most instances of misery. Soullib influences on the Polygon Network to give a consistent and adaptable throughput on specialized levels.

Our Platform

We are an advanced business organizing stage pointed toward interfacing individuals with similar, canny business experts and veterans across all fields. The Soullib stage is here to profer significant degree of human correspondence Focusing on individuals who need a listening ear, and it’s likewise a gathering where every day conversations can occur on a shared level.

Our Vision and Mission

Freeing a world passing on from melancholy through the utilization of a local area driven blockchain Dapp. The Soullib extreme mission is to lift life’s loads or weights of the world by making the right correspondence stage that additionally enables them with the enthusiastic solidarity to fight life’s difficulties

The Project permits Soullibees to address well gifted Soullibers secretly, sharing their difficulties and encounters without being censured, judged or defamed. Subsequently, by sharing essentially significant discussions, one’s heart is freed, animated and propelled. They feel paid attention to and comprehended. Subsequently, making a casual attitude to keep living, regardless of the conditions or issues, yet at an insignificant and reasonable expense. This is what the SOULLIB project plans to accomplish through its Slib coin for Soullibees. This is the Soullib way, which includes ‘lifting life’s weight’ through reasonable and impartial discussions.

These discussions are planned in a utilitarian diagram for understanding the current situation with mind the clients experience and furthermore benefit from tokenization of Soullib money. It’s a decentralized application that permits boundless measure of discussion for the Soullibees. It likewise makes the presence of monetary advantages by been important for the Slib token which is the authority money of the Soullib project. Subsequently, Soullib is decentralized, based on a special adaptability system, tokenized with Slib as its cryptographic money and utilizations the blockchain structure.


The Soullib token portion is the primary re-arranged word of how the tokens will be dispersed inside the task. This design approves and makes a plain, straightforward and respectability driven arrangement of assets designation.
Complete Supply: 10,000,000,000 Slib.

Soullib Token circulation
– Team 10%
The Soullib Team is designated 10% of complete symbolic stock.
– Reserved 33%
33% of Soullib token is allotted as held for the undertaking.
– Community Development 10%
10% allotment is distributed for Community improvement commitment like Airdrops, Bounty, Memes and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
– Sale 25%
The public deal will be led through Initial Dex Offering Platform (IDO) and a sum of 25% of the all out supply will be sold.
– Early Investor/Partnership 8%

The Soullib Early Investors and Partners are designated 8% of the complete task tokens for their initial responsibilities.
– Founder 5%
Soullib project Founder is distributed 5% of all out symbolic assignment for the task.
– Advisors 2%
All on-boarded Advisors for the task are to portion of the distributed 2% of the absolute symbolic stock.
– Liquidity 7%
A 7% arrangement of liquidity for exchangers to exchange consistently will be made accessible.

Author : faujan.nawawi
ERC20 Address : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

Saturday, February 19, 2022


#Acardex #$ACX #dex #cardano #ADA

Acardex is a decentralized exchange platform that runs on the Cardano blockchain. It is the first decentralized exchange and a complete launchpad solution for the Cardano ecosystem. Offering a broad range of fundraising profiles, Acardex will be the key to unlock the liquidity of Cardano.

The exchange platform will have its trading and monetization features based on AMM (Automated Market Maker) protocol. This means the trades facilitated by users will not be matched by others when using order books. Instead, they will be trading with each other by locking their tokens into a liquidity pool. The use of AMM will ensure a quick, efficient, and powerful liquidity upgrade beyond the constant product pool with the capital of users put to work. It will also help in optimizing ownership and profits towards the development of financial institutions. All these features will make Acardex an attractive platform for product developers looking for a sustainable environment.

The reason for developing Acardex on Cardano is the latter’s efficient architecture. Cardano was designed to overcome the weaknesses of Bitcoin and Ethereum. It is the first peer-to-peer blockchain audited in the world. The non-profit organization responsible for Cardano has formed a network of academics and scientists from universities worldwide, including the University of Edinburgh and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, to consider the agreement before its release.

Gathering from all this, it is clear that Cardano is a product of great scholarly works. Its structure consists of two main layers- the payment layer and the Control layer. The payment layer includes ADA, the ecosystem’s local currency, and has Ouroboros at its core, which uses a proof-of-stake protocol to issue cryptocurrencies. The other layer, the Control layer, is where the smart contract is signed. Cardano is developed and customized to cut down on energy consumption and reduce the time to create new cryptocurrencies.

$ACX is the native token of Acardex on Cardano. It's a utility governance token whose max supply is projected to be 1000,000,000 $ACX. The tokenomics include distributing 10% tokens in the seed phase, 15% for strategic partners, 24% in the private phase, and 1% in the pubic sales. Furthermore, 50% supply would be reserved for project development, in which 25% would be sent to liquidity, and another 25% would be directed towards the marketing and development of the project. $ACX holders will be able to stake their tokens to earn more profits from trading fees. Staking $ACX would also lead to an extra multiplier on yield. Acardex will include a limited governance model allowing $ACXmembers to participate and vote on community proposals and modifications.

Apart from all these outstanding elements, the ACX wallet will keep users updated with the latest market news and provide quality reports and various monitoring tools. Developers are also planning to create an NFT marketplace where artists and collectors could create, trade, and collect digital art products. These efforts will open new doors for the community and significantly expand their financial options.

Other than the incredible $ACX token, Acardexhouses multiple features. Though the exchange is decentralized, the order books are kept centralized, meaning anyone on the system can trade orders sent by Acardexto the order book and vice versa. This unique aspect sets the exchange apart from others as most of them lack an order book to aggregate across liquidity groups. Acardex is also a pure market maker who takes the token locked in it to create a series of orders at different prices and sizes to provide liquidity.

The equation used has a specific property of being “stateless,” and given any two tokens, without any prior information about their prices or value, it can provide “infinite” liquidity to traders. The exchange’s swap is devised to provide a cost-effective and straightforward option for high-speed swapping to traders. Cost savings of swapping tokens would be more significant for those liquidity providers who frequently reallocate their assets to different pools, which will land them more earning opportunities and flexibility. ACARDEX will also issue LP tokens to track the percentage of the pool a particular token holder owns. If the necessary criteria are met, the ACARDEX community will allow farming of these tokens to return additional FlanoSwap as rewards.

The developers will launch the $ACX wallet in August to allow users to manage their tokens easily and securely on the Cardano ecosystem. This wallet is a lightweight crypto wallet, which could be accessed right on the mobile phone and website. It will enable fast & simple money transfer where sending crypto will become as easy as sending a message to anyone, anywhere. The $ACX team has given great prominence to the privacy and security of the users. Due to which the wallet is developed, the application collects none of the user's data. This ensures that the users are in charge of managing their private key and Passphrase of the wallet. Not only is governing all the crypto assets made easier in one place, but the wallet will also automatically optimize transaction cost and speed for users. At the same time, they can also manually adjust the gas fee by dragging the gas fee bar depending on their needs.
Social Media Details;

Author : faujan.nawawi
ADA Wallet : addr1q9dxe46ratk8pghmfuwv9q0h38fdpfa3u6k0xupxc9fpxs8melwyat04fr2uus9nlf828y6qkhzgdrjg6ue5h8eq2gps2pxyvx

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Capitrade is the first native First-Decentralized Native Launchpad and DEX Offer platform


Terra is one of the major networks focusing on multi-chain interoperability and striving towards DeFi mass adoption.

Migration back to decentralized platforms also meant a migration back to Ethereum main net along with gas wars, astronomical fees, inundation of bots among other issues. The advent of DeFi has revolutionized financial dynamics through the introduction of innovative products accessible to all without the need for centralized gatekeepers. As the DeFi market transitions to maturity, multi-chain interoperability has become an essential feature to fuel massive adoption. Terra is one of the major networks focusing on multi-chain interoperability and striving towards DeFi mass adoption.

Terra is an infrastructure framework for connecting EVM-compatible chains. The ever-growing Terra ecosystem houses a wide range of decentralized applications ranging from payment system, DeFi and NFTs to the financial and gaming industry. As the network continues to expand, there is an extensive need for a robust infrastructure to support the growth of these projects. However, launchpads have been springing up in hordes in recent times, at times seemingly more common than projects themselves. Indeed every blockchain ecosystem seems to have a multitude of launchpads being built upon it, with the whole term becoming synonymous with DeFi.


Migration back to decentralized platforms also meant a migration back to Ethereum main net along with gas wars, astronomical fees, inundation of bots among other issues.

While this might all seem superfluous, one brief look at the history of launchpads would illustrate just how crucial of a role they have played in the blockchain world, especially the DeFi ecosystem. Binance launchpad was technically one of the earliest, with its 2019 token sale of Bittorrent raising nearly 7 million within 15 minutes. This was a drastically different model compared to the 2017 ICO boom where projects had to conduct their token sales, or run it through cluttered, non-user-friendly decentralized mechanisms. The trade-off, however, came in the form of centralization.

As a counter to this, decentralized platforms took over with Uniswap, Balancer and dedicated token swap platforms like Bounce coming to the fore. However, this migration back to decentralized platforms also meant a migration back to Ethereum main net along with gas wars, astronomical fees, inundation of bots among other issues. So the community faced the conundrum of centralization and high fees/throughput. But from the projects' perspective, the road forward was clear. Launchpads offered a safe, decentralized, and user-friendly way to raise funds and stimulate adoption without going through the hassles of developing contracts or other complicated sale details. This led to the rise of a new generation of launchpads on various blockchains.


Capitrade accelerates the growth of early-stage projects by helping them raise funds in a decentralized manner. The aim is to extend the support to innovative projects driven by staller teams that are striving towards the journey of mass adoption.


Creative contents : In other to keep our social media platforms active, we will be employing the services of professional content creators to produce catchy contents for upload on our website, and our social media handles.

Periodic events & Research : Constant event will keep the enthusiasm about the project very high. We need it to remain as high as possible, and for as long as possible. This will be in the best interest of the Capitrade Launchpad
Project Marketing
Foundation Reserve
Product Development
Legal & accountancy


View crucial information about each pre-sale like Token Policy ID, Team DOX Status / KYC, Total Supply project description and so on.

View Token presales from multiple launchpads

Hold our utility token $CDE to break the barriers and have access to Capitrade Pro, and all its amazing features.

$CDE Token Holders can earn passive income by staking their $CDE tokens to earn more.

High Quality IDO Projects

$CDE is the utility token built on the Terra Blockchain That will power the Capitrade Launchpad, $CDE Token will be Used As a subscription token to access our Capitrade Pre-Sale Listing platform. HOLDERs of $CDE token will enjoy passive income as they can be able to stake their token to FARM luna coin or Earn More CDE or Both. $CDE holders can also be able to endorse a new Terra IDO project by a voting process which will require staking your $CDE tokens in favor of a project.

To access the IDO analytical tools, Capitrade provides multiple tiers of services, with the most advanced IDO analytics features available exclusively for $CDE token holders Features like advanced pre-sale filtering options, multiple added-value metrics, dark mode, presale saving are restricted to only a certain amount of CDE holders who have a certain minimum balance of the utility token $CDE.

We are on a mission to provide blockchain enthusiasts on the Terra ecosystem with access to multiple IDO and Pre-Sale listings of Native Terra Tokens, from multiple launchpads displaying advanced metrics & comparison tools in a simple yet concise interface. Our Vision is to simplify and accelerate project building on the Terra ecosystem and at the same time give users an in depth look at any Terra IDO Project while making their DYOR When fully Launched, Capitrade Token Sales Pad will provide a safe platform for any user to research, manage, and quantify their current and future IDOs (Initial Dex Offerings) and Token Presales on the Terra ecosystem.

Ever since tokens could be minted on the Terra blockchain, it led the way for token minting and token sales on the Terra network. While legitimate projects are utilizing this novel way of raising funds but participating in an ICO for an investor these days is quite risky as chances are that you might get rugpulled as bad actors can create a token for just a few bucks, raise funds for their sketchy project to later dump the project and leave investors with worthless tokens. On The other hand IDO or IEOs can be lucrative most times for an investor, but certain times it can be quite cumbersome searching for the new X100 Coin.

An investor trying to DYOR on a potential crypto gem will have to go through rigorous yet strenuous methods of checking the validity of a project which might include but not limited to checking the project’s twitter, telegram, discord and so forth. While this method has proven to come handy while performing a DYOR, it has a lot of limitations as the frantic nature of IDOs will make it even harder for an investor to focus on the metrics that matter as the investor will have to perform a whole lot of due diligence checks and research to ensure the legitimacy of a project.


Total Token Supply : 100 Million Tokens
Venture Capitalist : 10 Million Tokens
Token Exchange & Listing : 30 Million Tokens
Crowd Funding (Pre sale & Public sale) : 20 Million Tokens
Ecosystem/Reserve : 40 Million Tokens


Phase One :
Concept formed
Website Creation
Social Media Creation
Light paper concluded
Tokenomics finalized

Phase Two :
Crowd Funding (Token Sale)
Project Marketing
Staking and Yield Farming
CEX Listing
Coinmarketcap & Coingecko listing

Phase Three :
Capitrade Platform Beta Release
Testnet Live
Mainnet Live
IDO Project Endorsement

Phase Four :
Capitrade Wallet Launch
Solana Integration
Cardano Integration
Additional features


With innovative projects penetrating into the Terra ecosystem everyday, there are a wide range of opportunities for users to participate in the launch of early-stage projects. These provide maximum growth potential to early supporters belonging to the vibrant community of Terra. Currently, the focus is transitioned towards building a mature platform that can offer projects with a comprehensive approach to revolutionize space Capitrade is the first native First-Decentralized Native Launchpad and an Initial DEX Offering platform for projects based on the Terra Network. The launchpad is supported by Terra as a partner and is aimed exclusively at the projects in the Terra Network and its supporting community.

Capitrade is being positioned as an ecosystem accelerator and an advanced platform enabling projects to smoothly progress from a successful fundraiser to platform launch. Its unique features and commitment to decentralization place it among the highest tiers of launchpad, and its principle of putting the community first will ensure mass adoption.The novel idea of CDE Token will enrich the token sale experience while the platform itself is developed to serve the best interests of teams, investors and the community. The goal of the project is to grow into a fully decentralized, reputable launchpad ecosystem that supports teams as they bring ideas to life. We welcome our supporters and the community to help in achieving this goal and become a part of our grand vision.

Author : faujan.nawawi

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

FiPi – The App For Automated, Regular and Modern Savings with Cryptocurrencies

#FiPi #Presale #FiPiIndexes #IDO #FiPiAPP

The FiPi App will revolutionize the way of modern savings with automated purchases in accordance with cryptoindexes. All thanks to FiPi APP, which is an app for automated, regular and modern saving via the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

Recent years have seen the appearance of a number of cryptocurrencies – including bitcoin, which has to be credited as one of the first and most popular, along with Ethereum and Ripple. Despite their popularity as relatively new, digital currencies are constantly gaining global recognition. Currently, estimates point to an ever-increasing value in the future – in all likelihood, history will look back at cryptocurrency in much the same way as it now views fossils and dinosaurs: a relic of the past.
Have you ever worried about how you would make a living after retirement? Have you ever thought of how you could earn money through social media? Well, cryptocurrency can be a possible solution. Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular nowadays as people are seeing its potential. If you have some spare time then why don’t you try making some money through cryptocurrency?

FiPi App is a revolutionary savings platform for cryptocurrency investors
FiPi APP is an application for automated, regular and modern saving via the purchase of cryptocurrencies (“cryptoindexes”). The most important feature of our app is its simplicity – it takes only three steps to buy one of the three FiPi Crypto Indexes. Thanks to the automation and ultra-easy working principles we aim to target a wide range of users (not only specialists of virtual currencies). We will apply proven solutions from regular financial markets to the world of cryptocurrencies, thus providing effective saving opportunity for those with little knowledge on the subject.

Each purchased FiPi Crypto Index will be accompanied with FiPi token – cyclical purchases of FiPi Crypto Index will include the purchase of 1% of FiPi Token. Its owners will earn profit from each buy or sell transaction – each user will gain 2% of the transaction value (reflection).

FiPi APP is a mobile application for automated, regular and modern saving via the purchase of cryptocurrencies. The most important feature of our app is its simplicity – it takes only three steps to buy one of the three FiPi Crypto Indexes. Thanks to the automation and ultra-easy working principles we aim to target a wide range of users (not only specialists of virtual currencies). We will apply proven solutions from regular financial markets to the world of cryptocurrencies, thus providing effective saving opportunity for those with little knowledge on the subject.

How does it work?
FiPi App is an app for automated, regular buying of cryptocurrencies. Just three steps and you can buy one of the three FiPi Crypto Indexes. For those with little knowledge on the subject, this is a great opportunity to save by buying virtual currencies. Each purchase FiPi Crypto Index will be accompanied with FiPi token – cyclical purchases of 1% of FiPi Token. Its owners will earn profit from each buy or sell transaction – each user will gain 2% of the transaction value (reflection).

FiPi App is an app for automated, regular and modern saving via the purchase of cryptocurrencies. What makes us unique? We are the first to use crypto indexes which encode the potential of a specific market – the way it's been done in traditional financial markets so far. The only thing you have to do to become a part of this story is to choose one of three FiPi Crypto Indexes, execute the transaction and wait for your profits which will increase as new users join or another index is created.


With the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) as its foundation, the FiPi Token is able to function. Tokens are a highly competitive market. Newcomers are always welcome to join in the fun. In order to generate profit for those who employ them. To achieve the same end goal, FiPi was designed and built. FiPi's value has steadily increased since its inception, in contrast to most other cryptocurrencies, thanks to the company's ability to increase the demand for its tokens early.

The FiPi Token ecosystem enforces an 8 percent "transfer cost" as one of its most important features.


FiPi APP will change the way saving is done in crypto market. Everyone will be able to use the app and it will be easy and fast with low fees. As well as getting interest from their deposits. We also have tiered membership and every tier can enjoy additional benefits, such as receiving free FiPi Tokens or having a control over the algorithm that chooses which coin to buy. We want to create a feeling of unity and collectivity, as well as make blockchain investment for everyone. That’s why all users will know exactly what the total value of their savings is at any given moment; and when any user has enough capital, he or she can become our partner and receive 2% of all transaction revenues from the FiPi Token.

FiPi is a fantastic and fair chance for those who are looking for a way to save and earn in cryptocurrencies.

FiPi app is a revolutionary product simplifying the cryptocurrency market and making it more accessible to everyone. Using our app, you’ll be able to instantly start working with the crypto world with minimum efforts and security risk. Our app is aimed at new users as well. It requires a minimum amount of knowledge, but brings much greater results.

#FiPi #Presale #FiPiIndexes #IDO #FiPiAPP

For More Information Visit:

Author : faujan.nawawi
BSC Wallet : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43