Sunday, November 13, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good HovR project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

#HovR #HovRHooligans #NFTMarketplace #NFT #foxcampaigns #qie #qiblockchain

Going from play-to-get games to decentralized three-layered universes, cross-stage occasions and encounters, mechanized pictures and characters and by and large more, the metaverse could be ready to rehash how we approach our standard timetables.

Web3 games are at this point the most energetically contributed district of the games economy with billions of dollars being set resources into web3 games and gaming foundation improvement relationship in the early critical stretches of 2022.


Minting/Making NFT’s is a significant strategy for ensuring check of collectibles as craftsmanship or veritable resources. A NFT trade is where non fungible tokens can be made, unloaded, exchanged and sold over the web. There is hypothesis that NFT trades will beat Crypto trades to the degree that volume and transcendence all through the accompanying several years as genuine resources are being sold on the blockchain. Hovr is a NFT trade foster a standing blockchain to chop down printing (making) expenses of NFT’s and guaranteeing carrying exchanging seeks after to help benefits for all get-togethers included. NFT’s is a momentous way for individuals to make extra pay on various ways.

A NFT ought to be noticeable as a title deed to a property or an affirmation of endorsement promising it is the genuine resource. By having the Rolex watch NFT it shows you are the genuine proprietor and the watch isn’t phony! Hovr to plans to not just guarantee genuine worth being added to the NFT space yet moreover base on changing into the world’s most significant cross-game in-gaming business place for things to be utilized and leased to different players! Expect in the event that there was just 5000 Drow players in Dota and basically the proprietors can play with them in-game or a sniper(item) in Counterstrike ought to be utilized by the NFT holders. Gamers can get cash by leasing these things when they are not playing!


Hovr will be established on the money of the virtual world (metaverse/nft/web 3.0, and so forth) called QIE. Hovr will mint just 10,000 NFT’s which each address an other superb city called the Hovr Lowlifes gathering and arrangement in the exchanging expenses of the NFT trade. Every individual from one side of the world to the other have the astounding an open door to have his city and be bound to purchasing just 20 metropolitan organizations each immediately.

QIE will be the close by cash of the NFT trade and additionally managing the issue of high exchange charges of Ethereum. You genuinely need to have something like 20 metropolitan districts to announce battle on one more city in this metaverse game. Reliably the metropolitan organizations that was sought after the most will be destroyed and the proprietor of convincing city will get a million QIE Coins as pay that was mined by pioneers behind Hovr. By obliterating the city the NFT will genuinely be singed. The 10,000 NFT’s part 100 percent in the benefits of Hovr NFT trade 2.5% exchanging charges for each exchange on ALL exchanges as such including any abundance NFT’s printed.

Hovr will foster the reduced application where these NFT’s can be utilized in-game to overwhelm the world. There ought to be one! The game will begin after the last Hovr Hooligan(collection name) Nft is sold. Get in quick as there will be cost increments for these NFT’s after each 250 sold.

Web3 games (a part of the time called play-to-get, play-to-have, crypto, blockchain or NFT games) are electronic games which use blockchain improvement as a mystery piece of a game’s economy. Web3 games are depicted by having game resources that are moved by (in custodial wallets) by players as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) or Fungible Tokens. The helpful repercussions of this progression is that player resources are obviously moved by, fluid business regions exist to draw in resources for be sold or exchanged similar as a veritable things.

The way that players in play-to-get web3 game economies own in-game resource attracts a certain qualification to standard Allowed To-Play (Freemium) game economies, which consolidate overall exist inside a shut environment keeping players away from exchanging game things for certified value.The circuit of blockchain structure in games has lit monstrous social occasion and madly high consistency standards in early web3 games like Axie Limitlessness.

Author : faujan.nawawi
QI wallet address: 0xeD8DAa81eca4761d512A5F9AEB38B4598CEc9965

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Adrix AllStars NFT

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about the very interesting and good AllStars Digital project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

AllStars Coin is a new cryptocurrency that is revolutionizing the way we think about sports trading. Adrix, the company behind AllStars Coin, has developed a system for tracking player performance in real-time and calculating a continuous real-time index. This index is then used to determine a real-time buy and sell price for each player on the AllStars Coin Exchange.

This system allows traders to use their knowledge of the sports world to build trading strategies and profit from their predictions. You can buy or sell players at any time, or set limit orders to take advantage of price fluctuations. So what are you waiting for? Watch, Trade, Earn!

How to Use the AllStars Coin Exchange

The first step is to create an account on the AllStars Coin Exchange. Once you have done that, you will need to deposit some funds into your account. You can do this by transferring cryptocurrency from another exchange or wallet, or by using a credit or debit card.

Once you have deposited funds, you are ready to start trading! To buy a player, simply click on the "Buy" button next to their name and enter the amount of currency you wish to spend. To sell a player, click on the "Sell" button and enter the amount of currency you wish to receive. It's that simple!

You can also set limit orders to take advantage of price fluctuations. To do this, click on the "Limit" button and enter the price you are willing to pay (if you are buying) or sell (if you are selling). Your order will remain active until it is executed or cancelled.

The AllStars Coin Exchange is open 24/7, so you can trade whenever you want! There are no limits on how much you can trade, so start building your portfolio today. Watch, Trade, Earn!

Author : faujan.nawawi
BSC Wallet : 0xeD8DAa81eca4761d512A5F9AEB38B4598CEc9965

Friday, October 14, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I would like to introduce about a very interesting and good SolarBlox project i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Crypto Miners act as validatory specialists who confirm information on the organization and acquire digital money as remunerations consequently. The income from remunerations is then counterbalanced by the above cost and for the most part from the power that is utilized to run the ASIC’s machines.

These ASICs are made to advance electrical use to augment the prize increase for their work. The development in crypto economy reception has prompted the change in worldwide energy use from printing, putting away and shipping paper cash into electrical controlled script recreation booking organizations. To get the headway of the financial money future, we as administrators are committed to clear a superior method for supporting another universe of cleaner energy.


Crypto Mining involving Sun oriented energy as substitute energy sources. Mining creates income, Sun based energy sponsors cost and guarantees offgrid power supply at fixed venture cost. As per Elon Musk’s assumption on August 5, 2021 (Renewables Now) — Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) requirements to affirm that the level of environmentally friendly power utilization in Bitcoin mining is at or above half before it can continue tolerating installments with the cryptographic money, as per Chief Elon Musk.


Our main goal is to lessen power bills something like half,” said Sam Shin organizer behind SolarBlox and pioneer behind SolarXell. Sam Shin established SolarXell to be the main Sunlight based framework facilitator. We are giving relocation and environmentally friendly power appropriation to neighborhood and worldwide organizations across the ASEAN. Thusly in this new undertaking, having crypto mining that involves environmentally friendly power for half is well attainable.

SolarBlox endeavors to use its impact and administrative role of giving spotless and sustainable power to reposition the Cryptographic money Mining network on the way of natural cordiality.

Less expensive Energy Source

Cryptographic money Mining is costly to fire up; the figuring influence, secure area, and safety efforts give diggers such a great amount to stress over — not to discuss the energy utilization bill at the month’s end, the possible approvals from favorable to preservationists, and expanded investigation from the public authority. SolarBlox explores these difficulties by involving less expensive and environmentally friendly power from the nearby planet group for mining.

Cleaner Energy Source

With half of the energy prerequisites acquired from spotless and sustainable power, the other portion of non-sustainable power actually undermines the climate’s general wellbeing. Getting carbon credits from SolarBlox counterbalances the impacts. Carbon credits are put away in electric units created by a sustainable power source.


With us, the benefit of mining a digital currency is certainly not a first concern as we consider the carbon impression and the capability of the cryptographic money and its utilization cases. Our interest for ASICs for crypto that hasn’t been mentioned at this point will play a field for diggers keen on mining the token being referred to. The result is a less brought together ASIC creation predisposition.

SolarBlox stage will be a mixture of Verification of Marked Power and Confirmation of Work. The previous being on the grounds that it’s a brought together model and doesn’t squeeze into what we see as evident decentralization. What’s more, for the last option, it is an impression of our mining tasks and working model.

Confirmation of Marked Power (PoSA) is just an augmentation of Ethereum’s Evidence of Stake (PoS) where validators who are picked aimlessly stake ETH before they can play out their exercises. Not at all like as seen with PoS, PoSA includes validators marking their personality and notoriety. The issue with this agreement system is that the association of human go-betweens routs genuine decentralzation.

Author  : faujan.nawawi
Bep-20 BSC Wallet : 0xeD8DAa81eca4761d512A5F9AEB38B4598CEc9965

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Sosharu Networks

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project SOSHHARU NETWORKS i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

The social media revolution, which has taken place over the past ten years and has seen a significant rise in software and social networking sites 18, 19, and user participation in these technologies, is also known.The modern communications ecosystem is frequently described using the metaphor of the new media revolution.This essay looks into how it affects how people, groups, and people who make policy interpret their mediated reality.People want to connect with other people and interact with them. Social media has grown in popularity over the past ten years in large part because of this.Brands can use social media to create opportunities for sharing and reward their loyal followers with special incentives. Social media has made it easier for people to connect and communicate with one another, as well as for many businesses to expand and promote themselves.On the other hand, it has also given a lot of people problems with their mental health, emotional insecurities, and time wasters.

What is SosharuNetworks?

SNS projects are ones that give everyone a chance to make money over time (dca financial strategy). We built a platform using blockchain and web3 technology to help people and startups increase their social media engagement at a reasonable cost.We also give the investors and members who become part of our community all of our profits from projects.

Our investors will earn a steady income over time by investing in the sns token, but we only promise to give what we can afford.depending on your investments, you can earn 200 percent to 500 percent apy. You can be holders, NFT collectors, or our exclusive member. We care about those who feel small in their business, who feel excluded from the community, who are new to the crypto space and want to learn about it, and we want you to take part and join us as a family so that we can learn and succeed together. We believe in unity and that good teamwork can bring wealth and happiness.

Join the social media marketing business revolution and build your networks with us.

Get paid to like, comment on, and follow other people's posts on social media—the first novel idea from Sosharu Networks that makes social media worth your time. We also offer a wide range of services for social media marketing at the most affordable prices on the global market.

SNS token for your partner in social media promotion

SNS projects are ones that give everyone a chance to make money over time (dca financial strategy). We built a platform using blockchain and web3 technology to help people and startups increase their social media engagement at a reasonable cost.We also give the investors and members who become part of our community all of our profits from projects.

Socialpad, coming soon

The world's first pad, prepared to meet your social media marketing requirements.combining the power of web3 and blockchain to increase social media engagement.Our social pad allows you to do a lot:Buy real followers (our member will be KYC, so it won't be a bot), get likes, comments, retweets, and subscriptions, host your AMA, hire a social media manager, make banners and ads for your startups, and a lot more.SNS investor and community member will share equally all project the whitepaper for more specific details.

Why choose us?

✅The leader

We are the first one that combining blockchain and social media marketing , and we have the best offer on the market for price and quality, and backed by thousand real person ready to help for your marketing strategy.

✅Stable growing

Sns token will go to the moon because we are being backed up by real business so it will provide real value to our token,and we also added many utility to the token so that sns wont be useless token.


You can earn without any investment. simply register on our website and start like and follow and earn sns token.we also provide 70% of projects revenue to the community and will be distributed equally based on membership.


Our token already audited and have kyc certificate also safu badge from the pinksale , this proves our motives to bring a real project and to bring benefit for all of community and our investor.


You must know financial matters of the tokens and how they will use the assets.

Total starting supply : 300.000.000.000 SNS token

SNS contract address: 0x90AF4Db753998d3a2ba69D56ff39B18ee0adeF97


• Dividents : 0.5%

• Liqudity : 0.5%

• Treasury / events : 0.5%

• Buyback : 0.5 %

• burn : 0.5%


• Fairlaunch : 40%

• Liquidity : 24%

• partnership : 9%

• staking : 10%

• marketing : 11%

• events : 3%

• nft rewards : 3%

For more info:


Author : faujan.nawawi

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Elden Knights este cel mai bun joc NFT descentralizat din ecosistemul său

Hello everyone… Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce the said Elden project to it, see the article I created below to give you an idea of the project

In order to promote healthy and balanced gameplay, there will be an in-game currency implemented in Elden realm. This post will give a brief overview of what $ELDEN and $KNIGHTS are, and how they can be used within the game.

$ELDEN is an ERC20 standard token that connects the P2E, Governance, Marketplace, NFT transaction, and purchase of player character from Genesis NFT holders. $ KNIGHTS will act as the medium of exchange within the ecosystem. After release of the game, it can be used to award player for their achievements, PVP participations, occupying leaderboards as well as transacting in-game assets through the Marketplace. $KNIGHTS token not only powers the entire ecosystem but also can be a lucrative source of real-world income for the players, therefore it is critical that we take extra caution in developing its tokenomics

we can see that there are two different types of currency that will be prominent in Elden realm - $ELDEN and $KNIGHTS. While $ELDEN is more focused on being a stablecoin that can be used for things like governance and NFT purchases, $KNIGHTS is designed as a utility token to be used within the game itself. Players will be able to use $KNIGHTS to buy items from the Marketplace, participate in PVP activities, and more.

One key thing to note is that because $KNIGHTS is a utility token, its value will fluctuate depending on demand. This means that players will need to be careful when spending their $KNIGHTS, as the value could go up or down at any time. However, this also presents an opportunity for players to earn real-world income by carefully managing their $KNIGHTS tokens.

$ELDEN and $KNIGHTS are two important tokens that every player should be aware of before playing Elden realm. By understanding how these tokens work and what they can be used for, players will be able to make the most out of their game experience.

Author : stars_world
ERC-20 Wallet : 0x37A65E4c40CB052fA1E2919A48F7Ce130CB342A2

Monday, September 26, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I would like to introduce about the very interesting and good AICPrime project i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

#aicp #erc20 #crypto #blockchain #pump

AICP is an expandable man-made reasoning blockchain controlled by ruleless calculations. Ruleless calculations can process and demonstrate information past human known designs. Ruleless calculations with the use of the AICP Natural Language Processing Algorithm (NLP) can make an association between this present reality and man-made reasoning. This is finished by information mining, design coordinating and design acknowledgment, which depends on gaining from ruleless calculations and the AICP man-made consciousness learning calculation.

The AICP Artificial Intelligence Learning Type Model, ruleless calculations and information investigation assist with making association connected with network vision, information use and recognizable proof of organization needs. It additionally manage network specialized impasses, for example, security assaults or organization versatility. The AICP computerized reasoning will open new ways to blockchain innovation. Computerized reasoning blockchain and AICP ruleless calculations with use of Natural Language Processing Algorithm (NLP) will furnish the first reenacted metaverse with ability, for example, PoA calculation to check the personality of organization hubs and PoT calculation to confirm network exchanges.

AICPrime Ecosystem

The AICP network environment give ordinary blockchain administrations and past that which incorporates:PoA calculation to approve the character of hubs
First metaverse land execution with reenactment innovation
Loaning framework in view of DeFi V3

Decentralized trade associated with Metaverse Matrix

Marking framework in view of PoS calculation
PoT v2 calculation from the agreement of two old PoT calculations.
AICPime biological system is growing blockchain innovation through Artificial Intelligence.

For moving forward in computerized reasoning and blockchain innovation, we have finished our ruleless calculations and are fostering our own exclusive system interestingly for man-made consciousness blockchain. AICP ruleless calculation assists us with creating and carry out the world’s most memorable man-made brainpower blockchain. With AICP man-made brainpower blockchain, data handling power and high asset use of the organization will be more proficient and more affordable to facilite. The system will be gotten to openly.

AdministrationAICP Blockchian

The principal computerized reasoning blockchain is being planned and created by the ruleless calculation in two adaptations: Limited AICP Blockchain and Super AICP Blockchain.

Metaverse land

The primary Metaverse by man-made reasoning is right now being worked on and configuration stage; the Metaverse framework can associate with associations and various areas like scholar, clinical, schooling and so on.

AICP Algorithm

The principal ruleless calculation is planned by breaking the constraints of human examples to foster all calculations connected with man-made reasoning and advance the objectives of computerized reasoning.

AICP Framework

AICP’s restrictive system is created to help planning calculations, for example, the ruleless calculation and other computerized reasoning blockchain engineer devices.

Supply Token Allocation
Token Type : Ethereum, ERC-20
Absolute Supply : 3,141,592,653 AICP

Decimals: 6
Seed Sale : 7%
Confidential Sale : 7%
Public Sale : 3 %
Promoting : 10 %
Liquidity and Staking : 10%
Team : 10%
Ecosystem : 50 %
Advisors : 3%

Author : faujan.nawawi
ERC-20 Wallet : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

IKONIC- First Esports NFT MarketplaceIKONIC- First Esports NFT Marketplace

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good iKONIC project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:


What if you could collect and earn from the best moments in gaming and beyond? The IKONIC platform is doing just that. Bringing gamers and esports celebrities together, IKONIC provides a place to create, collect, and earn from the most iconic moments across gaming and metaverse ecosystems. With IKONIC, you can be part of something bigger than yourself. Join us today!

What is the IKONIC Platform and what does it offer gamers and esports fans?

IKONIC is a new platform that is specifically designed for gamers and esports fans. The platform offers a number of features that are aimed at making it easier for users to connect with each other and share their gaming experiences. For example, IKONIC includes a news feed that aggregates content from a variety of gaming-related sources, as well as a forum where users can discuss various gaming topics.

In addition, IKONIC provides users with the ability to create their own profile pages, which can be used to showcase their gaming achievements and connect with other gamers. Ultimately, IKONIC seeks to provide gamers and esports fans with a one-stop shop for all their gaming needs.

How did the idea for the platform come about, and who are the team behind it?

IKONIC Platform is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) focused on ICON Protocol dApps and projects. IKONIC is the first ICON DApp store that vetting process for listing DApps. Our aim is to grow the ICON Dapp Ecosystem by providing quality dApps and user experience. We have seen the lack of dApp promotion and marketing in ICON Ecosystem, so we come up with the IKONIC idea to help ICONists to explore the ICON world with quality dApps.

Advantages of using the iKONIC platform
Smart & Smart contract audit platform
WalletConnect & Metamask Connectivity
XBOX Native IntegrationSupport and 1.0 . 3D NFT Templates
NFT Printing
NFT Gallery & Market
Customizable User Profile
IFPS Data Storage for all NFT
NFT Cup Room

Native token and USDT support on Ethereum,
Polygon and Binance Ikonic token support on BinanceToken
Burning Royalties ERC-2981 NFT
Video Editor Service Fees and Configurable Standard Templates for
The Most Advanced NFT CreationMint/ Buy / Sell on Marketplace

Monday, September 19, 2022

Maximus Coin

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about the very interesting and good Maximus Coin project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

#maximustech #mxz #decentralizedcloudstorage #foxcampaigns #web3 #cryptocommunity #blockchain #crypto

Maximus Coin is a digital currency created to give everyone the chance to be a part of the digital currency system. By introducing Maximus, we are giving people the opportunity to invest in the digital currency system, and have a stake in the digital currency world. The Maximus coin is designed to be used in all aspects of life, from every day purchasing to large transactions. We are introducing a new hybrid Proof of Stake and Proof of Work system, and we believe it is the next generation of digital currency. Unlike the current digital currency system, we will not have a set amount of coins. Instead, we will only create a total amount of Maximus to match the amount of the currency that is currently in circulation. Maximus coin is a community-driven cryptocurrency with an ASIC resistant algorithm. Maximus coin is a cryptocurrency with a self-sustainable ecosystem that provides services to the society, created to help humanity in the creation of a better future. Maximus coin is a cryptocurrency based on the Maximus Blockchain technology. The Maximus coin ecosystem is composed of a cryptocurrency, an application, a platform and an exchange. All these components are integrated to each other and they are working in a synergistic way.

Maximus Coin is a cryptocurrency which is focused on providing solutions to the problems in the current financial industry. It is a decentralized platform that is completely open to all types of financial services. The current financial systems have issues with security, privacy, transparency and speed. These issues are the problems that Maximus Coin is trying to solve.

Features of Maximum Coin

Maximus coin is a leading blockchain based project that offers the possibility of an effective and simple solution to many of the problems that exist in the current financial system and the ability to achieve effective management of the financial system. In general, the decentralization of financial systems provides a mechanism for giving individuals, organizations and other entities the opportunity to make transactions without intermediaries and to store and manage their wealth in a transparent and efficient way. Maximum Coin has a number of features that makes it stand out from other coins and tokens in the cryptocurrency market. They have a huge number of users and investors who are interested in the growth of Maximum Coin. The Maximum Coin is a cryptocurrency designed to be a means of payment for merchants and customers. A number of merchants and customers will be attracted to Maximum Coin due to their low conversion costs and fast processing times, which makes it a great cryptocurrency to use for everyday transactions.

The Maximus coin has two distinctive features:Maximus is a cryptocurrency being made to become an improved version of Bitcoin.

Maximus is providing a blockchain platform for banks and financial institutions.

Maximum Coin is an innovative cryptocurrency that has been specifically designed to bring the benefits of blockchain technology to the world of luxury goods. Maximum Coin will be the first cryptocurrency to operate with a real tangible product and an offer that is backed by an asset-backed token. Maximum Coin is the cryptocurrency of the future. In recent years, there has been a proliferation of alternative coins (altcoins) on the market, and this is due to the increase in the number of alternative crypto-currencies. Many of these altcoins have been created with the aim of improving the shortcomings of Bitcoin. Maximum Coin is a new crypto-currency that aims to improve the shortcomings of Bitcoin and other alternative crypto-currencies.

Author : faujan.nawawi
BSC wallet address: 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

Sunday, August 7, 2022


Hello all my friends! On this occasion I will provide interesting information about the interesting SPORTZCHAIN project. Let's see the review below:


One of the great things about sports is that it brings people together, whether they’re passionate fans who have been attending games for years or people who have never seen a cricketball game before in their lives. However, as a fan, you don’t have any control over the team and its decisions. The best bet for a team is to keep its fans happy, but it’s up to you to decide what that means.

But there’s a new way for teams to connect with their fans: SPORTZCHAIN lets you be an invested fan. With our platform, you buy Sports Tokens like $SPN token, which are tickets that give you access to all of the VIP benefits your team has available. You can also use your Sports Tokens on other teams and other sports through our platform. Blockchain technology is undoubtedly reshaping areas of our daily life from banking, to healthcare, and beyond, with the potential for social change lying in wait. So, what does this tech mean for sports fans? The possibilities for sport lovers are incredible, yet the technology is only being utilised by closely monitored industries. Sportzchain aims to change all of that.

Buy Sports Tokens from the team directly, from SPORTZCHAIN itself, or from any secondary market that comes along. In this way, you can support the team throughout the year — whether it’s signing a new player or building a new stadium! Our platform makes it easy for teams to give new incentives to their fans and create new ways to engage with them; at the same time, it gives fans an opportunity to invest in their favorite teams without having to be there in person every week.

About Sportzchain

Sportzchain is a platform that is meant to bring together sports fans and the teams that their favorite athletes play for. It is also meant to give fans a say in where their favorite teams go. The Sportzchain platform has a unique way of doing business that helps both the teams that fans connect with and the fans themselves. Because it is powered by blockchain technology and a BEP20 token, the Sportzchain platform makes it easy for fans and teams to communicate quickly and openly. This platform gives fans a better experience. Decentralization, which makes things more open and easy to get to, could make it easier for fans to talk to their favorite teams. This can be seen through the use of smart contracts that protect team owners from fraud, theft, and unfair treatment. Through the use of smart contracts, this can be seen.

The goal of Sportzchain is to create a new way for sports teams to talk to each other that works well for everyone. Users will be able to win tokens by doing things on this platform, like sharing content or comments about their favorite sports teams. After that, the tokens can be used to buy unique fan experiences, like autographed memorabilia or tickets to games. The tokens can also be used to influence the decisions made by the team’s owners and executives.

SPN Token Information And Usage

Sportzchain wants to change the way fans interact with their favorite teams and businesses by giving them a platform that gives them special access and lets them talk to each other. The main form of money on the Sportzchain network will be the SPN token, which is an BEP-20 token. With the $SPN token, fans will be able to access VIP privileges, gamification, competitions, content, and a lot more on this platform. The $SPN token will be the site’s main function and power your digital world. People think that SportzChain will start a new era of innovation in the sports business as a whole.

Sportzchain is a full-fledged ecosystem for sports. Individual team members will be able to talk directly with the investors who support them and offer incentives in the form of programmable tokens called SPN Tokens. Their work also gives new athletes a fair chance to win the competition of their choice and get to the top. This gives those athletes new chances. Individuals can also bet on themselves with Sportzchain, which helps them keep track of their progress and potential.

Benefit Use Sportzchain

You may go from being an uninvolved fan to an invested fan by participating in polls, both binding and non-binding, that have an effect on the decisions that the team makes. You can buy Sports Tokens for multiple sports and multiple teams and be an invested fan with no expiration date. If you hold a Sports Token, you will reap all the VIP benefits. First access to exclusive content as provided by the teams or Sportzchain on the platform.

Access to VIP privileges such as meet and greet, stadium tour, etc. Fan experience zones, and various discounts on merchandise and tickets. Participate in contests and trivia to win exclusive rewards from your team and Sportzchain. Participate in various Games Play-to-Earn and Move-to-Earn Metaverse to win free. $SPN tokens or branded Sports Tokens You can trade your team $SPN token on our platform and reap financial gains traditional membership is non-tradeable and does not provide any financial upside.


Sportzchain’s platform gives fans, teams, and marketers unique access and interactions. $SPN is used to buy team-branded tokens on our platform. That’s it. The only way that value can increase is if lots of people use $SPN to buy team-branded tokens on our platform. This is how you use our platform to create a positive feedback loop and generate value for all our stakeholders.

The platform will also be used to help teams generate revenue in other ways, like merchandise sales, sponsorships, and more. Sportzchain is building a decentralized sports economy where fans, teams, and marketers reap the benefits of their relationships with each other. And, you already have a few of our partners buying $SPN, which is a good start. Sportzchain is continuing to build relationships with other potential partners and investors to help us scale.

Join Whitelist And Buy — Hold SPN token Now!!

Join the WHITELIST now —

Get when you take part in the next $SPN SALE, you will get an additional 5% off of your purchase.

#Sportzchain #$SPN #NFT #Metaverse #Blockchain

To know more visit the linkWebsite:
Telegram Channel:
Telegram :

Author : stars_world
BSC Wallet Address : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

Monday, July 25, 2022


Hello everyone… Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce the DOGEM project to it, see the article I created below to give you an idea of the project

A social networking service or SNS is an internet based stage which individuals use to fabricate interpersonal organizations or social associations with others who share comparable individual or profession content, interests, exercises, foundations or genuine associations.

Long range interpersonal communication administrations fluctuate in design and the quantity of elements. They can integrate a scope of new data and specialized instruments, working on work areas and on PCs, on cell phones like tablet PCs and cell phones. This might highlight computerized photograph/video/sharing and journal sections on the web.


DOGEM is startup project with administration of online social and correspondence apk for understudies of Indonesia. With the conditions of early assistance conveyance for public the deal may be accessible just for public of Indonesia. As we committed the work to convey the way of life well disposed traditions of administration on following the segment and day to day casuals of students of Indonesia. The DOGEM Apk have with various choice of element with the menu as offering clients with the help to work of further with the errands of assessment as overseeing plan of plan with the social relationship to meet and match of gatherings of great determination.

Why Choose us?

Following Logic of Consequentiality
The work as following unobtrusive of vital traditions of Inheritance framework with plan of format and the system. DOGEM Apk and the assistance assists as working on degree of assumption on choice with the occupation.

Culture-friendly service
Understudies of Indonesia have with various traditions of relative and vital inclination as their nonattendance inside the field of local area organization to oversee social connection with gatherings of ideal determination

Engagement in Fun-seeking deliberation
Understudies of Indonesia could have in lodge to chip away at easygoing exhausts as sharing of comparable ways as overseeing social connection. To work following plan with day to day shortfall of casuals while hoping for something else of tomfoolery

Overseeing plan of configuration as entry into field of adjustment. With the backings of subsidizing with the ICO conspire our group of engineer could follows as finishing chips away at responsibilities to work with the arrangement of plan of the DOGEM project. Chipping away at joint effort with various group of engineer and administration from Startup organization we genuinely want to believe that we could convey as fine of profits with work of improvement.

Deductive Evaluation
Following works of disconnected deal with the information gathering and balance.

Information Analysis
Getting ready particular models on application with the arrangement on information exemplification.

Finalize Product
Get on cooperative activity together with other group of progression.

Our Strategy

The venture is a work of commitment for understudies of Indonesia as utilizations with the reference of profits from advancement helps on application as clients of the DOGEM administration would have with better nature of times as appreciating nonattendance with the field of online social local area on reference of the DOGEM administration.


On degree with the undertakings of conversation with the group of instructions our chips away at table could have with greater apple.


In collaboration with various group of designer our administration could gains of additional clients.


Continuos terms of work on progress and improvement following assignments of logical assessment and alteration to helps as expanding level of fulfillment of our clients.

Crypto Finance

Chips away at field of the crypto finance as alluding unit of message with the business knowledge for public and financial backers.

Pre offer of the DOGEM token

20% Extra Bonus for morning people financial backers, DOGEM token cost = $0.10 per token. Financial backers could gains with 20% additional reward for least purchasing of 500 DOGEM token

35% Extra Bonus for morning people financial backers, Investors could gains with 35% additional reward for least purchasing of 1000 DOGEM token.

half Extra Bonus for morning people financial backers. Financial backers could gains with half additional reward for least purchasing of 5000 DOGEM token.

Getting payment from InvestorsEthereum ERC 20 blockchain
Our ETH id = 0x2dcaeb37f6b6932c0fea59a8d6ad8a3e47272d4c. If it’s not too much trouble, reach us subsequent to making installment.

BSC BEP 20 DeFi blockchain

Charge card and NETELLER

For more information about the project please visit :

Author : faujan.nawawi
BSC BEP-20 : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Lambo Finance is the leading auto-staking cryptocurrency project.

Dear follower and reader it’s another good time with deep sense of giving you helpful news over this wonderful platform i have been following with great passion the capacity of this platform can’t be over look. with the simple information I will give you it will move you to a greater height the powerful elevating strengthen of this platform make me happy all time. I am very correct that this information will help you strongly follow this and benefits deeply. sometime ignorance have curse allot of barriers but this is not the case this have a credit to offer you as sufficiently and satisfy your need in crypto market.
Lambo Finance is the first and only auto-staking protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed APY up to 900,368.31% in BNB & SHIB & LAMBO. Here are some benefits for hodlers of $LAMBO:
Highest APY — Lambo pays out at 900,368.31% APY.
Fast and Furious — Lambo rebase reward will be distributed every 8 minutes or 180 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.
Insurance — 2.5% — 5% of all trading fees are stored in The Lambo Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
LAMBO finance Platform is a powerful project! The team is in close contact with the community and is easily accessible for sharing new ideas or answering issues. I wish this project a dynamic growth. Lambo is a powerful project! The team is in close contact with the community and is easily accessible for sharing new ideas or answering issues. I wish this project a dynamic Lambo is an opportunity to be a part of something that will be contributing a lot in the growth of the cryptocurrency industry. Joining it now and investing with it can be carrying many benefits later.This will certainly be a successful Lambo project as it has a great team that is more than qualified and focused on making this project a success. I have no doubt towards this project and this will sure will achieve a great success in Lambo Finance. This project will bring innovations to the modern world.
LAMBO is transforming DeFi with the LAMBO Autostaking Protocol that delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 8 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.
Lambo Finance is the first and only auto-staking protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed APY up to 900,368.31% in BNB & SHIB & LAMBO.
Here are some benefits for hodlers of $LAMBO:Token Its future is very bright.Because the demand for these coins has already spread widely in the market This coin has become the favorite coin of all investors Many investors have invested in these coins Those who have invested will get a lot of profit from this project This project is so powerful that it surpasses all other coins Lambo tokens Will occupy the top spot in the market Those who are investors I think investing on these coins is a sign of wisdom. Because the profit from here will be as much as from the other ten projects You will not get so much profit Investing in these coins will change their fortunes overnight.
$LAMBO Token :
Name: Lambo Finance
Ticker: $LAMBO
Max supply: LAMBO
Initial supply: 1.000.000 LAMBO
Team: 0%
Trading Fee :
Buying Fees (10% total):
2.5% — Insurance
2.5% — Treasury
1.5% — Auto-Liquidity
1.0% — Dead Valley
1.25% — BNB Passive Income
1.25% — Shib Lover
Selling Fees (20% total):
5.0% — Insurance
5.0% — Treasury
3.0% — Auto-Liquidity
2.0% — Dead Valley
2.5% — BNB Passive Income
2.5% — Shib Lover
Treasury :
Treasury address: 0x00
2.5% of buying fees and 5% of selling fees will be stored in Lambo treasury.
The treasury will be used to fund marketing, new Lambo products, services, and projects that will expand and provide more value to the community.
The APY for Lambo Finance is 900,368.31%, which will be automatically paid in LAMBO & BNB & SHIB.
Example: If you started with a balance of only 1,000 USDT of $LAMBO on day 1, after a year, your balance will have grown to 9,000,368.31 USDT of $LAMBO.

Please visit Lambo Finance, for further information.
wallet Address : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

Sunday, July 10, 2022

LAMBO FINANCE | briefly discuss the website LAMBO Finance


The Lambo Auto Staking Ecosystem is a new disruptive technology that integrates the best artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies. With $1.3bn in total sales of Lambo Supercars, the Lambo Auto Staking Ecosystem has created a decentralized platform of intelligent contracts (Lambo.AutoStaking. Contracts) that can be used by the Lambo Supercar community to create smart contracts. The Lambo Supercar community will be able to use the Lambo.AutoStaking.Contracts to create smart contracts that make use of the Lambo Supercars and subsequently bring in more.

Metaverse (MVS) has been listed on the Coinnest exchange for the past several months, and in that time frame, the price of the token has remained relatively flat. This is most likely due to the fact that Metaverse has been focused on developing the ecosystem and hasn't spent much time on marketing and developer outreach. In the coming months, however, we will see a number of new developments that include:

I guess this is the most important part of the blog, the announcement of the upcoming metaverse ecosystem. First we are proud to announce that the Metaverse team will be attending the World Blockchain Forum in Dubai, the largest blockchain conference in the Middle East. This will be an excellent platform for the team to present the Metaverse project and its development plan to the global blockchain community. On the same day, Metaverse will be launching the pre-registration of the ecosystem, the Ecosystem pre-launch will be announced very soon. Please pay attention to the official website and official telegram group.

While the Metaverse team is working hard on the mainnet launch, we want to take a moment to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. The Metaverse ecosystem is a vast and complex system with a lot of moving parts. In the following article, we will explore the ecosystem and explain how it works and where we are headed.


Value Exchange, auto staking, and staking reputation are what make the Metaverse Ecosystem different from other blockchains and cryptocurrency platforms. This blog will give you a brief overview of these three key features, as well as an overview of the Metaverse ecosystem as a whole.

Lambo is the first coin to create a fully functional ecosystem. With auto staking, you don’t have to be online to receive your interest payments. This means you can take your coins and have peace of mind that you’ll still receive your staking rewards. And since we’re changing the whole idea of mining, you don’t have to dedicate your computer’s resources to mining either. In fact, Lambo is the first coin that allows you to stake with a mobile phone. This means you can stake on the go. Lambo is a fully functional ecosystem that facilitates a truly decentralized economy. There are many more features that will be coming out shortly.


As a lambo ecosystem project, we not only built several unique ecosystem modules, such as lambo wallet, lambo exchange, lambo virtual machine, lambo explorer, lambo Q&A, lambo DAPP browser and so on, but we also provide a one-stop integrated API for developers to access resources in different blockchains, especially for the development of DAPP.


The Metaverse team are actively working on the ecosystem auto staking project. In order to prevent the project from being affected by the market situation and ensure the smooth progress of the project, the Metaverse Foundation will not disclose the specific progress and project details. We are looking forward to sharing the specific progress of the project after completing the development and testing. Please stay tuned and keep an eye on our official website.


Wallet Address : 0x7fc3EAFbEff23615301026b23722294c3fFfDB43

LAMBO FINANCE: The first and only Autostaking and Auto-compounding that pay in BNB, SHIB AND LAMBO with fixed 900,368.00% APY


Lambo is a crypto asset ownership, management, and use system (including bitcoin). By providing users with the appropriate resources, the Lambo protocol allows them to make informed decisions. Effective risk management is combined with a compound interest rate. A suitable Lambo use case is a person or family who wants to expand their money over time. You can use the protocol to save money, and compound interest will be applied over time. Of course, you have the option of deciding how much risk you want in terms of loss protection vs how much return you want in terms of investment development.

We'll be looking at the Lambo defi, which is a breakthrough technology that will be sweeping the car industry in the next years. Future cars will include it as a regular feature. It will allow drivers to drive up ramps, through heavy traffic, and to park automobiles automatically. It will also be able to change the car's speed according to the preferences of the driver. It will automatically accelerate or decelerate depending on traffic and will be controlled by a smartwatch.

It is a protocol that allows parties to exchange value and data instantly and securely. It has the potential to enable financial institutions, payment providers, digital asset exchanges, and enterprises to efficiently and scalable move assets through blockchain networks. Lambo is intended for public blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but it can also function as a private blockchain or sidechain.



Lambo is the key to investing's future. It will enable automatic staking and compounding, allowing you to earn passive income from your investment without having to do anything. No more sleepless nights for you! It allows investors to earn interest in the form of Ether on their Bitcoin investments, as well as staking and receiving incentives through an automated staking procedure.

This is a ground-breaking framework that allows decentralised financial applications to offer token staking and compound interest. We created an app for users that will provide them quick access to crypto markets in a way that has never been done before.

Lambo defi is a technology built on top of the Binance smart chain that allows anyone to construct their own decentralised investment fund. The Lambo defi investing protocol is a staking and compounding system that automatically stakes and sends earnings to your wallet.


LAMBO is a revolutionary new deflationary coin with a fair distribution model that includes Proof of Work mining, Masternodes, and a Treasury Fund. To ensure a fair distribution of coins, it employs a new Proof of Work algorithm known as X16R that is ASIC friendly. There will be around 21.4 million LAMBO released in total.

Its dynamic staking capabilities enable fund beneficiaries to stake varied amounts of time depending on their requirements and preferences.



The Lambo defi protocol is a blockchain protocol aimed at creating a decentralised platform for buying and selling exotic cars with bitcoin. The defi blockchain and defi coin are two types of blockchain technology utilised in the Lambo defi protocol. Users can develop smart contracts using the defi blockchain protocol, which is open-source. The blockchain protocol automatically enforces smart contracts between two or more parties. Exotic vehicles and other products and services can be purchased via smart contracts.

We hope you found our article on the Lambo defi auto staking and autocompounding blockchain protocol interesting. We know you can get the most out of your Lambo defi auto staking and autocompounding blockchain protocol with this information. So, how long are you going to wait? Visit the links below to get your copy of the Lambo defi auto staking and autocompounding blockchain system.

For more information visit the site below:




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