Sunday, October 1, 2023

Bitcoin Spark

You are interested in joining the project, Bitcoin spark you should read information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#BitcoinSpark #Elonmusk #Mining #Gems


In the rаріdlу еvоlvіng landscape of dіgіtаl сurrеnсіеѕ, the ԛuеѕt for a secure, еffісіеnt, and uѕеr-frіеndlу сrурtосurrеnсу hаѕ been аn оngоіng сhаllеngе. Wіth the introduction оf Bіtсоіn Sраrk, wе are рrоud to рrеѕеnt a grоundbrеаkіng ѕоlutіоn thаt addresses the lіmіtаtіоnѕ оf trаdіtіоnаl сrурtосurrеnсіеѕ аnd ushers in a new era оf dіgіtаl trаnѕасtіоnѕ.

Bitcoin Sраrk іѕ a сuttіng-еdgе сrурtосurrеnсу dеѕіgnеd tо provide uѕеrѕ wіth unparalleled security, ѕрееd, аnd scalability. Thіѕ tесhnісаl whitepaper dеlvеѕ іntо thе іnnоvаtіvе аrсhіtесturе and fеаturеѕ thаt ѕеt Bіtсоіn Spark apart frоm еxіѕtіng cryptocurrencies, such аѕ Bіtсоіn аnd Ethereum. Bу leveraging state-of-the-art blосkсhаіn technology, advanced соnѕеnѕuѕ аlgоrіthmѕ, аnd a unique gоvеrnаnсе mоdеl, Bіtсоіn Sраrk aims tо revolutionize thе way we реrсеіvе and utіlіzе dіgіtаl currencies in our еvеrуdау lіvеѕ.

In thе following sections, wе wіll еxрlоrе thе соrе соmроnеntѕ of Bitcoin Sраrk, іnсludіng іtѕ undеrlуіng tесhnоlоgу, network infrastructure, аnd tоkеnоmісѕ. We wіll also dіѕсuѕѕ thе problems іt ѕееkѕ tо ѕоlvе and thе various uѕе саѕеѕ іt enables. The project will gіvе a соmрrеhеnѕіvе undеrѕtаndіng оf the immense роtеntіаl thаt Bіtсоіn Sраrk hоldѕ in trаnѕfоrmіng thе cryptocurrency landscape and ѕhаріng the futurе оf dіgіtаl trаnѕасtіоnѕ.

Mаіn Features of Bіtсоіn Spark:

Bitcoin Sраrk соntаіnѕ the same core tоkеnоmісѕ that Bіtсоіn hаѕ, оnlу with аn extended tіmе untіl mаxіmum supply іѕ rеасhеd.

Fіnаnсіаl Prіvасу:

In thе world оf dіgіtаl transactions, Bitcoin Sраrk іѕ an еxсерtіоnаl solution fоr аnуоnе seeking соmрlеtе fіnаnсіаl рrіvасу. Thіѕ rеvоlutіоnаrу рlаtfоrm employs thе same rоbuѕt ѕесurіtу аnd privacy fеаturеѕ fоund in Bіtсоіn.

Anуоnе Cаn Mіnе:

This іѕ thе Bіtсоіn Spark еthоѕ. Thе two-pronged bеnеfіt оf thіѕ is increased dесеntrаlіzаtіоn аnd ѕесurіtу alongside a lоwеr bаrrіеr оf еntrу for mining.

Uрѕіdе Pоtеntіаl For Eаrlу Adорtеrѕ:

Bіtсоіn Sраrk'ѕ рhіlоѕорhу оf inclusivity opens іt uр tо a vast potential uѕеr base. By making thе mining рrосеѕѕ ассеѕѕіblе tо аll, it саn and wіll attract a broad range оf uѕеrѕ, from tесh enthusiasts tо everyday соnѕumеrѕ. Thіѕ wіdеѕрrеаd аdорtіоn wіll аіd іn Bitcoin Sраrk rеасhіng Bitcoin-like vаluаtіоnѕ.

Elесtrіfу Yоur Eаrnіngѕ

Unlосk the World оf Crурtо Mining

Stер іntо thе futurе оf dіgіtаl сurrеnсу wіth thе Bіtсоіn Sраrk Mining Aррlісаtіоn. No nееd for expensive hаrdwаrе оr tесhnісаl expertise - уоur соmрutеr or ѕmаrtрhоnе іѕ аll you need tо start mining Bіtсоіn Spark. Experience the power аnd іndереndеnсе оf cryptocurrency mіnіng tоdау.

Maximize Yоur Mіnіng Rеwаrdѕ

Dоn't lеt limited рrосеѕѕіng power hold back уоur potential еаrnіngѕ. Wіth the Bitcoin Spark Mining Aррlісаtіоn, уоu саn еаѕіlу rent аddіtіоnаl power frоm thе nеtwоrk to bооѕt уоur mіnіng capacity аnd іnсrеаѕе уоur rеwаrdѕ. Oреn uр a world оf opportunities іn thе рrеvіоuѕlу еluѕіvе realm of Bitcoin mіnіng wіth Bitcoin Sраrk.

Unlеаѕh thе Power of Collective Mіnіng

Join fоrсеѕ wіth other Bitcoin Sраrk miners glоbаllу оr сrеаtе your оwn pool. Cоmbіnе рrосеѕѕіng power to mіnе mоrе еffісіеntlу аnd rеар greater rewards. Entеr thе оnсе еluѕіvе wоrld of Bіtсоіn mіnіng wіth оur uѕеr-frіеndlу аррlісаtіоn and cutting-edge Prооf-оf-Prосеѕѕ technology.

ICO Infоrmаtіоn:

Thеrе is gооd nеwѕ for those whо mіѕѕеd оut on the еаrlу days of Bіtсоіn. A nеw dіgіtаl сurrеnсу, Bіtсоіn Sраrk, provides a second сhаnсе to gеt іn оn thе grоund flооr. Muсh lіkе Bіtсоіn іn іtѕ еаrlу dауѕ, Bitcoin Spark is сurrеntlу at іtѕ bеgіnnіng, mаkіng іt аn аttrасtіvе іnvеѕtmеnt орроrtunіtу аnd mауbе еvеn a once-in-a-lifetime орроrtunіtу.

The Bitcoin Spark #ICO is finally LIVE ⚡️
🏦 Unique Consensus Mechanism
🏦 Algorithmic Mining Rewards
🏦 Advanced #BTC Ethos



Bitcoin Sраrk presents a unіԛuе opportunity іn thе rеаlm of сrурtосurrеnсу mіnіng. Itѕ accessibility, lower power rеԛuіrеmеntѕ, and potential profitability mаkе іt аn аttrасtіvе option fоr thоѕе interested іn entering the wоrld of crypto mіnіng. Unleash the роwеr оf blосkсhаіn wіth Bіtсоіn Sраrk - the gаmе-сhаngеr in the wоrld of сrурtосurrеnсіеѕ! Our mіѕѕіоn іѕ ѕіmрlе but аudасіоuѕ - to turbocharge a truly dесеntrаlіzеd digital есоnоmу. With Bіtсоіn Spark, wе'rе not just drеаmіng of a dесеntrаlіzеd future, wе'rе buіldіng it. Sо, buckle up аnd jоіn uѕ оn thіѕ еxhіlаrаtіng jоurnеу towards fіnаnсіаl frееdоm and empowerment. Welcome to the rеvоlutіоn!

#BTCS #BitcoinSpark #Mining #Gems

For More Infоrmаtіоn, Plеаѕе Visit:

Author : faujan.nawawi
Bitcointalk :;u=2573696
Telegram : @Narakemi
BEP-20 Wallet Address : 0xf07963c7D6bCAEb087bE780fBD1da126EC6e7171

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

GetIt4Free Token

If you are interested in joining the project, GetIt4Free Token you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#GetIt4Free #GIFT #Crypto #BSC #BTC

Nel panorama in continua evoluzione delle valute digitali e della tecnologia blockchain, un nuovo attore è emerso sulla scena, promettendo di sconvolgere i tradizionali sistemi di ricompensa così come li conosciamo. GetIt4Free Token, o GIFT, non è solo un'altra criptovaluta; è un concetto rivoluzionario volto a trasformare il modo in cui le aziende interagiscono con i propri clienti e il modo in cui gli individui percepiscono i premi fedeltà. In questo articolo esploreremo il mondo del token GetIt4Free, le sue origini, le potenziali applicazioni e ciò che lo distingue nel mercato in continua crescita delle criptovalute.

La genesi del token GetIt4Free

Il concetto di GetIt4Free Token è nato dal desiderio di creare un sistema di premi più efficiente e inclusivo a vantaggio sia delle aziende che dei consumatori. È stato introdotto da un gruppo di imprenditori visionari che hanno visto i limiti dei tradizionali programmi di ricompensa, che spesso comportano processi macchinosi, opzioni limitate e utilità limitata per i consumatori.

GetIt4Free Token è basato sulla tecnologia blockchain, che fornisce una piattaforma sicura, trasparente e decentralizzata per la creazione e la gestione di risorse digitali. Questa tecnologia garantisce che le transazioni siano trasparenti e a prova di manomissione, offrendo agli utenti il ​​pieno controllo sui loro premi.

Comprendere il token GetIt4Free

Fondamentalmente, GetIt4Free Token è una criptovaluta progettata per essere utilizzata come meccanismo di ricompensa. A differenza dei tradizionali sistemi di punti premio o cashback, GIFT offre diverse caratteristiche uniche che lo distinguono:

Usabilità universale

I token GIFT non sono legati a un marchio o un'azienda specifica, il che li rende universalmente utilizzabili. Ciò significa che puoi guadagnare token GIFT da un'azienda e riscattarli presso un'altra, fornendo un livello di flessibilità e scelta che i programmi di premi tradizionali non possono eguagliare.


La tecnologia Blockchain garantisce che tutte le transazioni GIFT siano registrate su un registro pubblico, rendendole trasparenti e verificabili. Questa trasparenza crea fiducia tra gli utenti ed elimina la possibilità di attività fraudolente.

Redenzione immediata

I token GIFT possono essere riscattati istantaneamente per vari prodotti, servizi o addirittura convertiti in altre criptovalute. Questa immediatezza contrasta con molti programmi di ricompensa tradizionali, in cui il riscatto dei punti può comportare un lungo processo.


La natura basata su blockchain dei token GIFT garantisce che siano altamente sicuri. La natura decentralizzata della blockchain rende estremamente difficile per i malintenzionati manipolare il sistema o rubare token.

Potenziali applicazioni del token GetIt4Free

La versatilità del token GetIt4Free apre una vasta gamma di potenziali applicazioni in vari settori:

Vendita al dettaglio ed e-commerce

I rivenditori possono utilizzare i token GIFT per incentivare la fedeltà dei clienti offrendoli come premi per gli acquisti. I clienti possono accumulare token da diversi negozi e riscattarli per prodotti o servizi che desiderano, promuovendo così la fedeltà al marchio.

Viaggi e ospitalità

Hotel, compagnie aeree e agenzie di viaggio possono utilizzare i token GIFT per premiare i viaggiatori abituali. Questi token possono essere riscattati per pacchetti di viaggio scontati, soggiorni in hotel o altre spese relative al viaggio, incoraggiando la fidelizzazione dei clienti.


Le piattaforme di streaming e i creatori di contenuti possono premiare i propri abbonati con token GIFT, fornendo un ulteriore incentivo agli utenti a interagire con i loro contenuti. Ciò può aiutare a promuovere un pubblico più coinvolto e fedele.

Donazioni di beneficenza

I token GIFT possono essere utilizzati anche nel settore no-profit per incoraggiare donazioni di beneficenza. I donatori potrebbero guadagnare gettoni per i loro contributi, che possono poi essere riscattati per vari benefici o utilizzati per sostenere altre cause di beneficenza.

Il futuro dei premi

Man mano che ci avventuriamo sempre più nell’era digitale, il modo in cui pensiamo ai premi e alla fidelizzazione si sta evolvendo. GetIt4Free Token rappresenta un passo promettente verso un ecosistema di premi più inclusivo, versatile e sicuro. La sua capacità di trascendere i confini delle singole attività e di offrire agli utenti premi immediati e trasparenti la posiziona come un attore significativo nel mondo delle criptovalute e dei programmi fedeltà.

Sebbene GetIt4Free Token sia ancora nelle sue fasi iniziali, il suo potenziale di rivoluzionare il modo in cui percepiamo e interagiamo con i premi è innegabile. Man mano che sempre più aziende e consumatori abbracciano questo approccio innovativo, possiamo aspettarci di vedere un cambiamento nelle dinamiche di fidelizzazione e coinvolgimento dei clienti. Che tu sia un imprenditore che cerca di fidelizzare i clienti o un individuo che cerca più valore dai suoi acquisti, GetIt4Free Token è un concetto che vale la pena guardare ed esplorare poiché rimodella il futuro dei premi.

sito web:

Author : faujan.nawawi
Bitcointalk :;u=2573696
BSC bep20 address : 0xf07963c7D6bCAEb087bE780fBD1da126EC6e7171

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good HovR project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

#HovR #HovRHooligans #NFTMarketplace #NFT #foxcampaigns #qie #qiblockchain

Going from play-to-get games to decentralized three-layered universes, cross-stage occasions and encounters, mechanized pictures and characters and by and large more, the metaverse could be ready to rehash how we approach our standard timetables.

Web3 games are at this point the most energetically contributed district of the games economy with billions of dollars being set resources into web3 games and gaming foundation improvement relationship in the early critical stretches of 2022.


Minting/Making NFT’s is a significant strategy for ensuring check of collectibles as craftsmanship or veritable resources. A NFT trade is where non fungible tokens can be made, unloaded, exchanged and sold over the web. There is hypothesis that NFT trades will beat Crypto trades to the degree that volume and transcendence all through the accompanying several years as genuine resources are being sold on the blockchain. Hovr is a NFT trade foster a standing blockchain to chop down printing (making) expenses of NFT’s and guaranteeing carrying exchanging seeks after to help benefits for all get-togethers included. NFT’s is a momentous way for individuals to make extra pay on various ways.

A NFT ought to be noticeable as a title deed to a property or an affirmation of endorsement promising it is the genuine resource. By having the Rolex watch NFT it shows you are the genuine proprietor and the watch isn’t phony! Hovr to plans to not just guarantee genuine worth being added to the NFT space yet moreover base on changing into the world’s most significant cross-game in-gaming business place for things to be utilized and leased to different players! Expect in the event that there was just 5000 Drow players in Dota and basically the proprietors can play with them in-game or a sniper(item) in Counterstrike ought to be utilized by the NFT holders. Gamers can get cash by leasing these things when they are not playing!


Hovr will be established on the money of the virtual world (metaverse/nft/web 3.0, and so forth) called QIE. Hovr will mint just 10,000 NFT’s which each address an other superb city called the Hovr Lowlifes gathering and arrangement in the exchanging expenses of the NFT trade. Every individual from one side of the world to the other have the astounding an open door to have his city and be bound to purchasing just 20 metropolitan organizations each immediately.

QIE will be the close by cash of the NFT trade and additionally managing the issue of high exchange charges of Ethereum. You genuinely need to have something like 20 metropolitan districts to announce battle on one more city in this metaverse game. Reliably the metropolitan organizations that was sought after the most will be destroyed and the proprietor of convincing city will get a million QIE Coins as pay that was mined by pioneers behind Hovr. By obliterating the city the NFT will genuinely be singed. The 10,000 NFT’s part 100 percent in the benefits of Hovr NFT trade 2.5% exchanging charges for each exchange on ALL exchanges as such including any abundance NFT’s printed.

Hovr will foster the reduced application where these NFT’s can be utilized in-game to overwhelm the world. There ought to be one! The game will begin after the last Hovr Hooligan(collection name) Nft is sold. Get in quick as there will be cost increments for these NFT’s after each 250 sold.

Web3 games (a part of the time called play-to-get, play-to-have, crypto, blockchain or NFT games) are electronic games which use blockchain improvement as a mystery piece of a game’s economy. Web3 games are depicted by having game resources that are moved by (in custodial wallets) by players as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) or Fungible Tokens. The helpful repercussions of this progression is that player resources are obviously moved by, fluid business regions exist to draw in resources for be sold or exchanged similar as a veritable things.

The way that players in play-to-get web3 game economies own in-game resource attracts a certain qualification to standard Allowed To-Play (Freemium) game economies, which consolidate overall exist inside a shut environment keeping players away from exchanging game things for certified value.The circuit of blockchain structure in games has lit monstrous social occasion and madly high consistency standards in early web3 games like Axie Limitlessness.

Author : faujan.nawawi
QI wallet address: 0xeD8DAa81eca4761d512A5F9AEB38B4598CEc9965

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Adrix AllStars NFT

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about the very interesting and good AllStars Digital project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

AllStars Coin is a new cryptocurrency that is revolutionizing the way we think about sports trading. Adrix, the company behind AllStars Coin, has developed a system for tracking player performance in real-time and calculating a continuous real-time index. This index is then used to determine a real-time buy and sell price for each player on the AllStars Coin Exchange.

This system allows traders to use their knowledge of the sports world to build trading strategies and profit from their predictions. You can buy or sell players at any time, or set limit orders to take advantage of price fluctuations. So what are you waiting for? Watch, Trade, Earn!

How to Use the AllStars Coin Exchange

The first step is to create an account on the AllStars Coin Exchange. Once you have done that, you will need to deposit some funds into your account. You can do this by transferring cryptocurrency from another exchange or wallet, or by using a credit or debit card.

Once you have deposited funds, you are ready to start trading! To buy a player, simply click on the "Buy" button next to their name and enter the amount of currency you wish to spend. To sell a player, click on the "Sell" button and enter the amount of currency you wish to receive. It's that simple!

You can also set limit orders to take advantage of price fluctuations. To do this, click on the "Limit" button and enter the price you are willing to pay (if you are buying) or sell (if you are selling). Your order will remain active until it is executed or cancelled.

The AllStars Coin Exchange is open 24/7, so you can trade whenever you want! There are no limits on how much you can trade, so start building your portfolio today. Watch, Trade, Earn!

Author : faujan.nawawi
BSC Wallet : 0xeD8DAa81eca4761d512A5F9AEB38B4598CEc9965

Friday, October 14, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I would like to introduce about a very interesting and good SolarBlox project i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Crypto Miners act as validatory specialists who confirm information on the organization and acquire digital money as remunerations consequently. The income from remunerations is then counterbalanced by the above cost and for the most part from the power that is utilized to run the ASIC’s machines.

These ASICs are made to advance electrical use to augment the prize increase for their work. The development in crypto economy reception has prompted the change in worldwide energy use from printing, putting away and shipping paper cash into electrical controlled script recreation booking organizations. To get the headway of the financial money future, we as administrators are committed to clear a superior method for supporting another universe of cleaner energy.


Crypto Mining involving Sun oriented energy as substitute energy sources. Mining creates income, Sun based energy sponsors cost and guarantees offgrid power supply at fixed venture cost. As per Elon Musk’s assumption on August 5, 2021 (Renewables Now) — Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) requirements to affirm that the level of environmentally friendly power utilization in Bitcoin mining is at or above half before it can continue tolerating installments with the cryptographic money, as per Chief Elon Musk.


Our main goal is to lessen power bills something like half,” said Sam Shin organizer behind SolarBlox and pioneer behind SolarXell. Sam Shin established SolarXell to be the main Sunlight based framework facilitator. We are giving relocation and environmentally friendly power appropriation to neighborhood and worldwide organizations across the ASEAN. Thusly in this new undertaking, having crypto mining that involves environmentally friendly power for half is well attainable.

SolarBlox endeavors to use its impact and administrative role of giving spotless and sustainable power to reposition the Cryptographic money Mining network on the way of natural cordiality.

Less expensive Energy Source

Cryptographic money Mining is costly to fire up; the figuring influence, secure area, and safety efforts give diggers such a great amount to stress over — not to discuss the energy utilization bill at the month’s end, the possible approvals from favorable to preservationists, and expanded investigation from the public authority. SolarBlox explores these difficulties by involving less expensive and environmentally friendly power from the nearby planet group for mining.

Cleaner Energy Source

With half of the energy prerequisites acquired from spotless and sustainable power, the other portion of non-sustainable power actually undermines the climate’s general wellbeing. Getting carbon credits from SolarBlox counterbalances the impacts. Carbon credits are put away in electric units created by a sustainable power source.


With us, the benefit of mining a digital currency is certainly not a first concern as we consider the carbon impression and the capability of the cryptographic money and its utilization cases. Our interest for ASICs for crypto that hasn’t been mentioned at this point will play a field for diggers keen on mining the token being referred to. The result is a less brought together ASIC creation predisposition.

SolarBlox stage will be a mixture of Verification of Marked Power and Confirmation of Work. The previous being on the grounds that it’s a brought together model and doesn’t squeeze into what we see as evident decentralization. What’s more, for the last option, it is an impression of our mining tasks and working model.

Confirmation of Marked Power (PoSA) is just an augmentation of Ethereum’s Evidence of Stake (PoS) where validators who are picked aimlessly stake ETH before they can play out their exercises. Not at all like as seen with PoS, PoSA includes validators marking their personality and notoriety. The issue with this agreement system is that the association of human go-betweens routs genuine decentralzation.

Author  : faujan.nawawi
Bep-20 BSC Wallet : 0xeD8DAa81eca4761d512A5F9AEB38B4598CEc9965

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Sosharu Networks

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project SOSHHARU NETWORKS i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

The social media revolution, which has taken place over the past ten years and has seen a significant rise in software and social networking sites 18, 19, and user participation in these technologies, is also known.The modern communications ecosystem is frequently described using the metaphor of the new media revolution.This essay looks into how it affects how people, groups, and people who make policy interpret their mediated reality.People want to connect with other people and interact with them. Social media has grown in popularity over the past ten years in large part because of this.Brands can use social media to create opportunities for sharing and reward their loyal followers with special incentives. Social media has made it easier for people to connect and communicate with one another, as well as for many businesses to expand and promote themselves.On the other hand, it has also given a lot of people problems with their mental health, emotional insecurities, and time wasters.

What is SosharuNetworks?

SNS projects are ones that give everyone a chance to make money over time (dca financial strategy). We built a platform using blockchain and web3 technology to help people and startups increase their social media engagement at a reasonable cost.We also give the investors and members who become part of our community all of our profits from projects.

Our investors will earn a steady income over time by investing in the sns token, but we only promise to give what we can afford.depending on your investments, you can earn 200 percent to 500 percent apy. You can be holders, NFT collectors, or our exclusive member. We care about those who feel small in their business, who feel excluded from the community, who are new to the crypto space and want to learn about it, and we want you to take part and join us as a family so that we can learn and succeed together. We believe in unity and that good teamwork can bring wealth and happiness.

Join the social media marketing business revolution and build your networks with us.

Get paid to like, comment on, and follow other people's posts on social media—the first novel idea from Sosharu Networks that makes social media worth your time. We also offer a wide range of services for social media marketing at the most affordable prices on the global market.

SNS token for your partner in social media promotion

SNS projects are ones that give everyone a chance to make money over time (dca financial strategy). We built a platform using blockchain and web3 technology to help people and startups increase their social media engagement at a reasonable cost.We also give the investors and members who become part of our community all of our profits from projects.

Socialpad, coming soon

The world's first pad, prepared to meet your social media marketing requirements.combining the power of web3 and blockchain to increase social media engagement.Our social pad allows you to do a lot:Buy real followers (our member will be KYC, so it won't be a bot), get likes, comments, retweets, and subscriptions, host your AMA, hire a social media manager, make banners and ads for your startups, and a lot more.SNS investor and community member will share equally all project the whitepaper for more specific details.

Why choose us?

✅The leader

We are the first one that combining blockchain and social media marketing , and we have the best offer on the market for price and quality, and backed by thousand real person ready to help for your marketing strategy.

✅Stable growing

Sns token will go to the moon because we are being backed up by real business so it will provide real value to our token,and we also added many utility to the token so that sns wont be useless token.


You can earn without any investment. simply register on our website and start like and follow and earn sns token.we also provide 70% of projects revenue to the community and will be distributed equally based on membership.


Our token already audited and have kyc certificate also safu badge from the pinksale , this proves our motives to bring a real project and to bring benefit for all of community and our investor.


You must know financial matters of the tokens and how they will use the assets.

Total starting supply : 300.000.000.000 SNS token

SNS contract address: 0x90AF4Db753998d3a2ba69D56ff39B18ee0adeF97


• Dividents : 0.5%

• Liqudity : 0.5%

• Treasury / events : 0.5%

• Buyback : 0.5 %

• burn : 0.5%


• Fairlaunch : 40%

• Liquidity : 24%

• partnership : 9%

• staking : 10%

• marketing : 11%

• events : 3%

• nft rewards : 3%

For more info:


Author : faujan.nawawi

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Elden Knights este cel mai bun joc NFT descentralizat din ecosistemul său

Hello everyone… Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce the said Elden project to it, see the article I created below to give you an idea of the project

In order to promote healthy and balanced gameplay, there will be an in-game currency implemented in Elden realm. This post will give a brief overview of what $ELDEN and $KNIGHTS are, and how they can be used within the game.

$ELDEN is an ERC20 standard token that connects the P2E, Governance, Marketplace, NFT transaction, and purchase of player character from Genesis NFT holders. $ KNIGHTS will act as the medium of exchange within the ecosystem. After release of the game, it can be used to award player for their achievements, PVP participations, occupying leaderboards as well as transacting in-game assets through the Marketplace. $KNIGHTS token not only powers the entire ecosystem but also can be a lucrative source of real-world income for the players, therefore it is critical that we take extra caution in developing its tokenomics

we can see that there are two different types of currency that will be prominent in Elden realm - $ELDEN and $KNIGHTS. While $ELDEN is more focused on being a stablecoin that can be used for things like governance and NFT purchases, $KNIGHTS is designed as a utility token to be used within the game itself. Players will be able to use $KNIGHTS to buy items from the Marketplace, participate in PVP activities, and more.

One key thing to note is that because $KNIGHTS is a utility token, its value will fluctuate depending on demand. This means that players will need to be careful when spending their $KNIGHTS, as the value could go up or down at any time. However, this also presents an opportunity for players to earn real-world income by carefully managing their $KNIGHTS tokens.

$ELDEN and $KNIGHTS are two important tokens that every player should be aware of before playing Elden realm. By understanding how these tokens work and what they can be used for, players will be able to make the most out of their game experience.

Author : stars_world
ERC-20 Wallet : 0x37A65E4c40CB052fA1E2919A48F7Ce130CB342A2